Important Note

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Hey, so uh. A couple of months has past. I just wanted to let you guys know that I will update someday, just not right now... A lot of things happened to me since I last updated.

Something had-is happeneing to me, causing me to be late in updating and stuff. I apologize for making you guys wait so long, but just the thought of writing something new makes me want to barf cause it's making me remember something horrible.

I dunno why or when it started, but everytime I would try to write something, my hands would freeze and I wouldn't move. Fear was ingrained to my veins and I was forced to ignore writing all together for a couple of months back just to keep myself from vomiting or having nightmares.

I dunno why I have this, nor do I wish for it. Frankly, I just want to get this sh*t out of my system, sure I can write stuff like essays and projects or thesis, but writing chapters or even short stories is another thing all together.

I want you guys to know this, not because I want you guys to pity me, but because I want you guys to wait for a little bit more time... I'm trying to get over my fear and start writing back again, but it would take a few days to cope.

I know this would be hard to accept, nor is this an acceptable reason at all, heck I know that most of you wont believe me, but trust me it's true. I dunno if this is just coz of that particular incident or not, but I assure you I will get better and the nexy chapter will soon be up.

I just... need a bit more time, that's all..

Sorry again guys, and thank you.... for waiting.

Yours truly,

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