Introduction to Magic

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Magic is one of the most diverse and complicated subjects known. Magic is studied by those who wish to harness it's power for evil and for good. There are many different branches of magic, which are shown below.

Light Magic

This is the second oldest branch of magic. There are other magics that originate from this. This powerful sorcery usually is associated with the best of magic, such as making plants grow, bringing light to dark places, and destroying dark creatures. Some of the users of this magic, with training, can also gain the power of Psycokenesis, allowing them to mave objects with thier mind and control others with a mere thought. Furthermore, those who master it can gain rudimentary Elemental Magic Abilities

Time Magic

This is one of the most powerful branches of magic, and also one of the most dangerous. This obscure magic allows the user to speed up, slow down, reverse, and stop time. Furthermore, users can gain the ability of foresight and the ability to see alternate futures and pasts. This magic must be used with cautionn

Elemental Magic

This insanely powerful branch of magic allows the user to control natural elements. Plus they can resist injury and/or death from any elements that they can command. For example, a Fire master is immune to being burned, while a Water master is immune to drowning. An Ice master would be immune to the cold, etc. Elements classified in Natural Magic include: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Water, and Wind.

Dark Magic

This horrible branch of magic is the oldest known. It is known also as Immoral Magic because of the unnatural powers it grants the user, such as: raising the dead, killing another with one action, summoning the spirits of the past, etc.

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