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Atronachs are a higher tier of golem originating as rare natural phenomenon, or a creature summoned by a powerful and skilled mage to join them in battle. To summon an atronach, you must either know the proper spell, or have the correct scroll. There are currently five types of known atronach: Flame, Ice, Storm, Earth, and Flesh.

Flame Atronach- A spirit of fire that takes the form of a lithe, flaming humanoid. This is both the weakest form of atronach and the easiest to summon. This atronach focuses on speed over power, using weak fire balls and utilizing its speed to maneuver away from enemy attacks.

Ice Atronach- An icey warrior that looks like a mound of ice with arms and legs. This is both the slowest form of atronach and strongest, in terms of attacks. This atronach uses its thick, icy bulk to power through attacks and get to the enemy to pound them into the ground.

Storm Atronach- A whirlwind of stone and electricity, this atronach has an upper body looking vaguely like a humanoid held together by static, but a lower body looking like a tornado of stone and thunder. This atronach has the upper hand with powerful bolts of lightning and is fairly difficult to dispatch using blades alone.

Earth Atronach- The original inhabitants of Valdren, earth atronachs are walking mountains of clay and stone, and are by far the largest known, and the hardest to summon. These atronachs are, much like the ice atronach, slow but extremely powerful, utilizing there immense strength and size to obliterate enemies and destroy everything in there path, loyal only to there summoners.

Flesh Atronach- A man made construct, these atronachs stand roughly eight feet tall and are made of old flesh and bone sewed together by a skilled necromancer to assist in battle. Once built, a necromancer will summon a demonic entity to enter the body and give it life. It is told that some can learn magic and use it to free themselves of there lives as cannon fodder for mages, but no one knows what they do or where they go after they escape, if they even escape at all.

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