A Reunion Without Words - Levi X Reader

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This belongs to  what-the-honk ~~ on Deviantart

The sound of Eren’s roar boomed through the expansive foliage of the forest and filled Levi’s ears. His features softened ever so slightly. That noise, it can’t be… Quickly turning his body around, he fired a grapple onto the trunk of a tree and manoeuvred himself to head in the opposite direction.

The Corporal knew all too well that his squad would never have allowed Eren to shift, so something must have happened to them. To you. Levi was no religious man, but in that moment he prayed to whatever gods lurked out there that you were still living. He could only hope that you listened to his order to run from danger.

He remembered the look on your face when he told you. You told him you were a scout, and that you couldn’t afford to be a coward. He only clicked his tongue and demanded you stay out of harm’s way. You never could figure out why he was being so blatantly protective of you, but now, maybe you never would.

Levi couldn’t allow himself to think like that and drifted into a state of reminiscence as he rushed to search for you.

“Erwin, I need to ask something personal,” stated the renowned scout. His back had been to the Commander as he spoke, he didn’t want to look him in the face for a trouble as trivial as this. It was beyond embarrassing that he even got the notion to bring it up.

“What is it, Levi?”

Levi remained silent for a time, trying to find the right words to say. But what could he say? He was a fool, hopelessly in love with you despite the risks you both faced. Erwin didn’t attempt to coax him, and instead waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts.

“I… it’s [First],” he finally admitted.

Erwin leaned back in his seat, “Ah. I thought it might be. You still haven’t told her?”

“What for? Just so one or both of us can die tomorrow? Is it really worth it, Erwin? Have you ever been in this situation? I’ve been in it for months and it’s pissing me the fuck off.”

“I have gone through what you are, yes.”

Levi spun around to look directly at Erwin, folding his arms over his chest as he prodded further. “And? What did you do?”

“I couldn’t tell her. We lead dangerous careers, Levi. She was only a baker. I didn’t want to tie her down to a soldier who fights Titans for a living. I thought it cruel, so I never said anything.” Recalling the memory of his lost love brought back the sting of a wound that hadn’t entirely healed over. But Erwin had faced worse than this, and simply hid himself under his well-established mask.

The answer Erwin gave him was not the answer Levi wanted, but he expected it nonetheless. Oh how desperately he wanted to hold you. He would lay in bed at night aching for you, wishing you were lying there beside him as he would embrace you until you fell asleep in his arms. You would be safe, and for once in his life he would be happy.

“When this is all over…” he started, thinking on a life outside the Walls. “When the Titans aren’t a threat anymore, I’ll tell her. I don’t care if she’s already found someone by then, or even if she rejects me. I’ll tell her when we both come out of this alive.”

But it seemed those wishes riddled with fabricated hope would be for naught. Each second that passed by looked more and more unpromising.

He passed by the hanging corpse of Gunther, and his heart already clouded with grief at the sight of him. Then there was Erd, half-eaten and his blood colouring the grass beneath his body. Auruo, who had suffered a similar fate. Petra, whose spine was broken as she was bent to an unnatural shape against a tree. And then…


You were bloody and bruised, your body bunched up as your corpse lay against the base of a trunk. Judging from the stain of red higher up the oak, he could only assume you had been flung against the tree before plummeting down to the earth.

Levi had a fleeting moment where he knew he should continue after the Female Titan, but he brushed off that thought and instead swiftly descended to your location.

Kneeling on the grass tainted with your death, he gingerly placed his hands on your face and turned it to him. He had seen many deaths in his years as a scout, but none had left him with such a deep sickness rooted in his gut. The gods couldn’t even grant you the mercy of a painless death, your face had been stained with tears and a look of pure anguish.

He pulled your body into him and held you tightly as his eyes began to sting, he had always dreamed of holding you. But not like this.

Choked sobs escaped his lips as he cried for the first time in what seemed like forever. “Fuck... damn it,” he cussed bitterly through gritted teeth as he tried to fight back his distress. He felt like such a feeble, pathetic man. He wasn’t deserving of the title of Humanity’s Strongest Soldier. Not when he couldn’t protect you. Not when he reacted this way to losing you.

He inhaled sharply, trying to steady the painful way his heart violently hammered against his ribcage. It did nothing to stem his weeping. “Why did you fight, I told you to run!” His fingers dug into the leather of your jacket as he weakly buried his face into your shoulder. “Damn it, I told you to run…”

You were supposed to come out of this alive, you were supposed to stand with him the first time he visited a beach, the first time he saw the sea. You weren’t supposed to die like this. Not without knowing how he felt, not without telling him how you felt. Death was a cruel and unforgiving mistress.

His hold on you went slack as he forced himself to continue on. He still had a job to do, and he wasn’t going to die in vain. No, not when there were people who still needed him. He would live out his life for them, and then he would meet you on the other side when it was his time to go.

You would have a reunion, where no words were needed.



Kashiki : WHY... JUST WHY!!! -cries in corner hugging levi plushie-

Levi: Get up an- ,, - looks at Levi doll- WHAT THE FUCK!!!


Levi: -piks kashiki up bridal style- Now shut up -cradles-

Kashiki: -holds giggles and falls asleep-

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