Sunshine in my heart (Magical Levi X Short Reader)

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It was your first day being in the scouting legion and already you had to clean, your room you shared with Ymir , Christa , Sasha, and Mikasa. Christa helped you alot in the room, Sasha was dragged away by Connie, and Ymir was just being a big asshole and always put her legs on your back while you where on your hands and knees scrubbing the floor for the 5th time ordered by Levi.

"YMIR GET YOUR FUCKING LEGS OFF ME!!" you yelled at her again as she relaxed and layed back as Christa told her aswell to get her legs of me. "Why ___ you back is pretty comfortable." she said as she looked at the ceiling with a smikr and Christa begged her again. Until I Grabbed her leg and pulled her off the bed . 'THUD!' was all you could hear followed by a growl. "____ YOUR DEAD!!!" she yelled as you yelped and ran out the room and turned a corner until I ran into something or better yet someone.

"OI ! BRAT IN MY OFFICE NOW!!" Levi yelled at you and you backed up in fear for Levi was a few inches taller than you. Becuase you where 5'0 the shortest in the scouting legion. Christa was taller than you she was 5'1 but you had more body strenght then her which was suprising but she was still a pretty strong soldier. Levi was 5'3

 You and Levi walked to his office and he closed and probably locked hte door as he walked to his curtains and closed them and then made his way to you. You shaked in fear from the look in his eyes, The emotion was unreadable and that was what scared you. He then pinned you on hte wall and moved slowly towards you ear and he blew in it which made you squirm in discomfort. "You need to be punished." He said as he picked you up over his shoulder and opened a door to his room as he then plops you down on it and climbed on top of you straddling your legs as well as running his hands on them. You face was redder then the reddest tomato in exsistance. Levi smirked in amusement. But the net was unexpected he leaned in close and kissed you on the lips. his lips where soft and plump. he then bit your bottom lip and you gasped which gave him access to your mouth and he started to explore your wet cavern. His tongue tasted like chocolate pepperment tea, it was heavenly. you where brought back to reality as you felt his mouth on your neck, his warm tongue gliding across our skin sent shivers down your spine and back up to repeat. You then felt a sharp pain and you yelped. Levi had left you a love bite which was noticeable and you felt a smirk against your skin from him. "__ You are mine and don't want any other man to touch you lik i'm going to." After levi said that you felt your heart skip abeat as well as red cheeks.

 Levi undid his cravat and threw on the ground, your eyewiden for 1 HE'S MAKING A MESS THE CLEAN FREAK HIM SELF IS MAKING A MESS!! and 2 What was to come of to night wil be like nothing you had experienced before. Levi then started to unbotton your shirt you layed paralyzed to scared to move a inch. As levi made it to the fourth button he started to kiss your collar bone and then down towards your chest leavig kiss all over the place and then back to your collar bone as he left love bites on it getting a moan out of you. He then undid you belt buckle and finished unbuttoning your shirt and then he started to kiss your stomach and ran his hands behind your back as he udid your bra and he threw your shirt on the ground and bra following leaving you shirtless. Not until you covered your chest. You were small on breast size but they where noticable still. Levi grabbed your wrist and pinned them on either side of your head and then stared at your breast. "Wow you more than i expected." Levi said in a sort of dazed tone of voice and he then went and kissed your stomach againd and then ran his tongue up your stomach and in between your breast up to your collar bone. He then starts to kiss your neck again as his on hand started to fondle your left boob then the other hand to the right boobs. You started to moan as Levi did his magic on your body. Levi stopped kissing your neck and moved his head down to your boob before looking up st your for permission you looked up at the ceiling before nodding hesititantly. Levi smirked and then started to kiss your boob. You gasped as he continued He licked, sucked, and nibbled on your boob. leaving the pink bud erect and bruised (darker pink XD) he then worked the same on the other one leaving you a moaning and hot mess. He stopped and looked at your face, Eyes shut tight and mouth open and saliva running down it (XD) and Your hair all messy He smirked at the effect he had on you. He unbottoned his shirt and threw it on the ground still ignoring the mess he was making and undid your straps and took your boots off and threw them on The ground as well with your pants following leaving you in your soaked panties. He smirked again as he trailed a finger against your hot spot you arched your back slightly. "AHH.. AHH Levii.~" you moaned he continued smirking. and he then stepped off the bed and undid his bearings and pants also boots and throwing them on the ground. Leaving him in all his glory (boxers) as he positioned you and started his way down towards your underwear and tugged at them untill he pulled htem off you. You closed your legs quickly and puts your hands over your hot spot being shy. But Levi didn't like that ass he forcibly spread your legs and move your hands out of the way. He looked at you with soft eyes.  'There is no need to be shy." He says a she took your legs and layed them over his shoulders and lowered his head, He looked up to you for permission, you granted it with a small nod. He then licked your spot and then started to suck on it receiving all your juices. You arched your back and moaned loudly. "OHH~ AHH L-LEVII~~~" you moaned over and over. Levi continued to sucks and lick on you untill you reached your climax and Levi was there to scoop it all up every last drop. Levi then sat up and wiped his mouth with a satisfied smack of his lips. "That was quit delicious." He said in a daze sort of tone. He then started pull down his boxers and when he finally took them off you got a glimpse at his erect large memeber. For being a short guy he has alot to pack in" you though as he saw you staring. He smirked "Like what you see?" He said as he leaned forward and kissed your softly on the lips, tasting your self he let go of the lip lock and straddled your legs and positioned him slef above you. "Let me know when it starts to hurt." He said before he started to push in "Ah~~~AH~~L-LEVII~~" you moaned as his memeber was penetrating your hot spot. You felt the pain jolt up your spine until it went from pain to pleasure your moved your hips to side to side letting him know when to continue. He started to thrust in and out of you first at a slow pase then  to a pace more quikly. "AHH~~ L-L-EVIIII~~~!!!!!!!" you shrieked and moan. "Ahh.. ___!!" he panted and he then wrapped his arms around you to get even deeper in. you felt another oragasim coming, your stomach clenched and your walls clenching onto Levi's memeber. making it harder for him to continue thrusting. " God _-___ your soo fucking tight." he said thru clenched teeth. "B-But I love it so god damn much." He said throgh a pleasurable moan. "LEVI I LOV YOU!!" you said.. "He held you tihter. "I L-LOVE YOU TOO!!" He said as he continued thrusting and before you know it he climaxed inside f you as well as you did the same. His warm fluids flowing out of your as he continued to thrust but slowly stopping.. "W-Wow that w-was the best f-fuck i have ever had." Levi said as head was laying at the crook of your kneck. You wrapped your arms around his sweaty form. "This was my first and it was the best i ever had."you siad.. and with that you both fell asleep.


You walked back to your shared room and when you opened the door you got harrassed by all the girls. mostly from worry wort Christa "__ I was worried you never came back from The corporals Office (She cant call him short because she's shorter than him. "Yea where were ya." Said Sasha munching on a potatoe. "Tell us." Mikasa said. "_____ Whats that?" Said Ymir smirking. You blushed. "N-Nothing." But before you could do anything else all the girls stopped and stood straight and saluted, you look behind you to see your new profound lover. "____!!!! My Office now!!" He said You nodded "Yes Sir!" you siad slamming your fist on your chest. You then heard Ymirs snickering as you followed him into his office. I guess round two comes sooner than I thought.


Levi: Damn You make me sound like some Fuck God!!

Kashiki: Yerp I know I'm Awesome..

Levi: Yea but whos the one getting all the action.

Kashiki: You

Levi: Whos the one adored by all girls.

Kashiki: You

Levi: Whos the one-

Kashiki: Whos the shortest of them all.

Kashiki audience voice: LEVI!!

Levi: DIEEE!!!!!

Kashiki: AHHHHH

Okay Anyone wanna do a request... i love to hear dem..

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