Emotionaless!Reader X Levi : My empty Heart Part 2

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( I kniw the video has nothing to do with this.. Or maybe its does hon hon hon *dirty thoughts* we will see my fanlings we will see)


I warned you

Narrators POV

 You had spent the pass 5 hours cleaning every nick and cranny of the large military base. It annoyed you to death as you approached the boys dormitory area. You heard from the more senior cadets that when they had to clean around the boys. The boys would make it even harder for you to clean it, they would throw things on the floor and make it a living hell for you. "I swear to fucking God if they make this even harder for me. I kill them." you said approaching the door.

 You opened it and saw it was spotless. "Hey (f/n)" Eren said approaching you. "Hey Eren. This place is spotless. He nodded, "We felt kinda bad that you had to clean he whole base so we cleaned this place for you. Armin and Jean even have a group of boys and some girls cleaning the rest for you." He gave you a cheeky smile You punched his shoulder softly while laughing. "Thanks. I think tht if I cleaned any further I'll die from the fumes." He chuckled. "Well go rest. We got this." You nodded from his offer. "Oh But wont you guys get in trouble for cleaning for me?" He shook his head. "Nope. Corporal Levi even caught us and told us to do as we please." You almost feel forward. Levi didn't care if they cleaned for you. "o-Oh w-w-well thats weird. I think I-I'm gonna go lay down now. Good bye." you waved off "Bye (f/n) ." Eren said before leaving the dormitory aswell.

 You made it to your dormitory and laid in your bed. You don't have rooms yet since your still training. But once after you go on your first expedition and come back alive you will be chosen into a squad. Will it be squad Levi's the special ops squad, squad Erwin, Hanji , who? All these thoughts made you tired so you closed your eyes and took a nap.

1 or 2 hours later

 It was around like 7 pm when you woke up and dinner will be served in about an hour or two. "(F/n) Wake up!" Armin i nyour woke shaking you awake. "Ugh goddamn I Just wanna sleeeep." you groaned, he just rolled his eyes and picked you up from the bed and onto your feet. "If you dont get up the corporal will punish you." Your stood or more like wobbled on your feet. "ERRMUN!! I DUN WANNA!!" your cried in protest "(F/N) you have too I mean dont you like food?" you looked at him as if he was a phsyco "I dont like food.. I LERvE FUUD!!" you slurred out. Armin just chuckled as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled your arm over his shoulder. "Alright lets go." he said walking out of the room.

~ in the dining hall~

"She actually did a pretty fine ass job cleaning he portion of the place." Levi thought aware that they boys and other cadets cleaned for you. He saw that you had good friends, but he only wondered why you acted so distant most of the time.

   As Armin helped you in the room you were still sleepy so you weren't really fully aware of your actions. "Y'all my food now!!" You put your arms up "TITAN FORM GOOO!!" You fell in armins arms laughing. "(f/n) are you drunk, did Hanji give you any alcohol." the corporal asked you "HEY!" Hange yelled in defense. "N-No Corporal she j-just fell asleep earlier s-so she kinda still dowsy." The short man raised his eyebrow. "Armin you can let me go now I'm good." you said quietly holding your head. Armin hesitantly let you go as you stumbled to a table. "Are you sure your okay." you looked back ignoring the fact levi was tsking at you. "Yea I'll be fine." You went and sat at a table next to Jean and leaned your head on his shoulder. "All you fucking shits are making my head pound." He blushed and Connie smirked at him. "Hey Jean You know who else head will be pounding." Jean then turned his head towards Connie. "CONNIE DAFUQ!!!!" Connie started laughing.

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