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Princess Luna woke up from dispelling ponies' nightmares, taking down the lavender flowers off the pillars in the castle so she could replace them when she raises the night.

Ever since Starlight came to Canterlot, Luna had made an effort to smile more for her sister each time she made her pancakes. And despite the headache she had, this morning was no different.

When she walked into the dining room, for the first time in over a thousand years, her dear sister was absent from the table. There were no pancakes, or any indication that Celestia had even done anything besides raise the sun.

Luna thought about it for a moment, wondering if Celestia had made love to Twilight for the first time, and that was the reason why she wasn't up yet. She was about to pick up a random fruit from the kitchen, when she heard a set of hooves enter the room.

It was Princess Celestia, looking strained.

"I'm sorry, dear sister." Celestia frowned. "But the Storm King's evil pony lackey decided to live in my marefriend's castle, so I hope you can understand my concerns."

"The one with no horn?" Luna asked. "The Storm King is no more, and Twilight has helped her reformed. Not to mention, she can't do anything dangerous with no magic. What is your concern?"

"...I told Twilight that I love her, and she didn't say it back." Celestia admitted. "She acted skittish around me several times during the date, as if she wasn't trusting of my presence. And then to see her eyes light up when she saw that deformed rogue, it was almost too much for me to handle."

"You might be reading into this sister, remember that communication is important." Luna reassured her. "Ask her what is troubling her mind, and make sure you two are on the same page in your relationship."

"...Yes, you're right." Celestia decided, before quickly frowning again. "I am so busy though, and I don't want to make her uncomfortable by returning so soon. I will give it a few days, but not too many. I don't want that donkey to lay a hoof on her."

Luna ignored her sister's remarks towards Tempest; dismissing it as an overreaction based on jealousy. She believed deep down in her heart that Celestia meant well, and Twilight was overthinking as usual. Tonight, she would go into both of their dreams to make sure. It was her job after all.


Tempest surprisingly managed to get a good amount of sleep, climbing out of her bed and opening the door. She could hear laughter, followed by Twilight's gentle hushing. Tempest smiled, already feeling happier than she ever did with the Storm King's army.

When she walked into the kitchen, she saw Grubber and Spike with pancake batter specks all over them. Spike was laughing as he took the spoon out of the bowl of pancake batter and smeared a little on Grubber's face.

Spike dropped the bowl and flew off, Grubber giving a sharp-toothed grin as he took off after the dragon. Tempest turned her attention to Twilight, who was wearing a chef's hat between her ears and flipping a pancake-filled pan with her magic. 

"Morning, Tempest!" Twilight grinned. "I thought I'd make all of us berry pancakes, if you don't mind."

"Who would mind?" Tempest chuckled. "I hope you've got great plans for me today."

"You bet I do!" Twilight exclaimed, taking the pan off of the stove. "Fluttershy's going to enroll you and Grubber into the School of Friendship and give you two a tour. And then after school is done, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are going to take you out to a bunch of places."

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