Chapter 7

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VII : WEIRD"You're avoiding me, don't you?"

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"You're avoiding me, don't you?"

Chapter 7

  I sneaked out of the classroom after the afternoon class. Luckily, Haechan was talking to him so it's not that hard to escape from Winwin. "Where are you going?" I almost jumped when I saw Nana looking at me weirdly. I looked at my back and I saw Winwin with his friends, walking out from the classroom. I quickly dragged Nana away to the hallway.

  "Hey! Where are we going?" he asked but I didn't answer him. We stopped in a hallway where grade school pupils were at. "What are we doing here?" he asked. I gestured him to be quiet and we hid beside the locker.

  I watched Winwin and one of his friends walked down the stairs. He is roaming his eyes everywhere. "Did you saw Lia?" I heard he asked. Renjun just shrugged at him.

  "Oh he's looking for you!" Nana exclaimed. I didn't mind him. I just watched Winwin and Renjun walk downstairs. We hid there for five minutes before we decided to sneak out. "He probably left," he said. I hesistantly nodded to agreement. I will almost put my foot on the first step when I saw him standing at the end of the stairs. His arms were folded and he's leaning on the wall.

  Oh shoot!

  "Probably not," Nana whispered. Winwin is looking at me seriously as if he's waiting for me to go near him. I looked at Nana and he smiled at me. I hesitantly waved at him. "Bye," he said.

  I walked near Winwin and stopped when he's already in front of me. I'm just looking at my shoes because I cannot even look at him. He didn't even moved a bit. I looked back but Nana is not there anymore. I turned my sight to my shoes again. I'm starting to have a fear of silence.

  I slowly lifted my head to stole a glance at him but I was startled when I saw his watery eyes looking at me. The feeling of being uncomfortable fades and it was changed by worries. I don't know but my instinct told me to hug him so I did. I held him tight and rubbed his back to comfort him. It breaks my heart seeing him like this.

  "Y-you're really annoying," he muttered and hugged me back. I tried to look at him but he held me tight and closer to him. We stay in that position for minutes before I let go.

  "What's the matter?" I gestured at him. He just slowly shooked his head.

  Since it's still 3pm, we decided to go to  a public baseball field near our school. It is still early so only few people were playing there. We sat on the bench and watched them play. "What a tiring day!" he said and leaned on my shoulder. I glanced at him and his eyes were closed. I smiled and blowed his eyes. He looked at me annoyed. He sat straightly and breathe heavily in annoyance.

  I froze when he lay down and rest his head on my lap. I sat straightly and moved his head a little bit near on my knees. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I averted my gaze to the people who are playing baseball. This is very awkward.

  "You're avoiding me, don't you?" he asked as he held my left hand and play with it. I shooked my head in disagreement, still not looking at him. "Really? Then why do I feel like you're really doing it?" he said. I shrugged. What kind of response is this.

  "You're really acting weird," he stated. I looked at him and he's looking at me strangely. Me? Acting weird? Maybe he's the one who's acting weird!

  He continues what he is doing with my hand. He's massaging it and lately he's putting it on his cheek. "What?" he stopped and asked me. I shooked my head. It seems like he has a side of being a puppy. Puppies likes to show their tenderness just like him.

  "Lia, please stop annoying me," he suddenly blurted out. I looked at him confused but his eyes aren't looking at me. He's focusing on measuring our hands. "Your hand is quite big but mine is bigger," he said. Why is he always saying that I annoy him? I had an idea about that a long time ago but i don't want to assume. I'm not insensitive but I don't want to conclude such things.

   One of the reasons I want to avoid him is this. The weird attitude he's showing me. It is not because I don't like it but because I don't want to destroy our friendship we built just like a bubble. I'm not that insensitive to see the special treatment he shows. But still, I'm not concluding anything. I'm still in observing stage.

  "Girls tend to massage the hair of the boys especially when they are laying on their laps," he said. I raised my left eyebrow and he looked at me annoyed. What is he trying to say? I just looked at him trying to understand what he is saying but he is glaring at me.

  "Hah! I just told you to stop annoying me," he murmured. He suddenly sat and moved away from me. Look who is unpleasant. He's now watching the people play.

  More minutes had flew before mom texted us that she's already in front of the school. I poked him to get his attention but he's too busy watching on the players. He keeps ignoring me.

  I moved closer to him but he moved farther from me. I don't know if he doesn't want to be disturbed or he is just acting like a child because he didn't got what he wanted. He stopped when he is already at the end of the bench. I went closer to him but he threw me a glare. I didn't mind. I held his head and made it lean on my shoulder then I started to massage his hair. He stopped from moving and he became quiet.

  No one can resist his cuteness.

To be continued..

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