Chapter 19

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XIX : DEAR FUTURE HUSBAND"I will make sure that you'll fall for me pretty hard

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"I will make sure that you'll fall for me pretty hard."

Chapter 19



"Seriously? Where are we going?" I groaned as he dragged me into somewhere. I just want to get rid this blindfold in my eyes but he keeps telling me 'no'.

"Where do you think we're going, hm?" he teasingly asked me. I can hear his devilish tone from there and I swear, I am willing to kick my boyfriend just to escape.

"Winwin, I swear. If I got tripped in here, I will make sure that my fist will land on your face!"

He chuckled. "No, baby. I WILL MAKE SURE... I will make sure that you'll fall for me. Pretty hard." then I felt his lips landed on my lips. It was just fast. Really fast!

"Tsk! Tsk! You want more?" he asked.

I didn't answer.

He laughed. "I'll give you more. But you have to answer my question first..." and then slowly, he untied the blindfold that was wrapping around my eyes.

"Surprise..." he softly said before he smiled at me sweetly.


My heart beat... I can feel them beating hard. They are syncing to every second that I breathe. In a warm blue night, he gave me this. I bit my lips as soon as he kneeled in front of me.

"Y/N..." his voice were shaking when he mumbled my name. And if I speak, I am sure that my voice will be like that, as well. "You..." he gulped. "You are my bestfriend since we were in highschool. And I know... I know that once in your life, you doubted why I chose to stay with you for that long..."

I bit my lip and nodded multiple times, agreeing to what he just said. Always, Winwin. I was doubting always...

"Here... here is my answer to your question baby..." he took something from his back and laid in front of me. It was a red box. And my heart keeps beating fast as I'm trying to guess what's inside it. I'm not too dumb to think that it is different from the movies I watch.

I gulped.

"Y/N..." he smiled. He opened the box, revealing the magical thing that hides in there. A ring. A beautiful ring. "Are you willing to be the love of my life 'til death do us part?"

And a tear... a tear fell from my swollen eyes. "Y–Yes. Yes!"

He looked at me as if he can't believe what I just said. "Y–Yes?"

I nodded. "Yes."

He quickly wore it on my finger and stood up. And then, without wasting any time, he crashed his lips on mine. "I love you, Y/N."

I smiled. "I love you too, Winwin."

He pecked my lips for the last time before he moved away. He held my hands and intertwined it together. "Let's go, Mrs. Dong!" he smiled cheekily.

"As you wish... my future husband."

He groaned. "Ahh! It feels good to hear it."


When the enormous door opened widely, I felt my heart skipped a beat.

This is it.

As if on cue, the music started to play. I roamed my eyes around the church to take a glimpse of the design and it was indeed beautiful as I expected. He never disappointed me.

I felt my lips shaking as I walk slowly on the red carpet. Everyone was looking at me intently. They're eyeing me with a smile. I quickly smiled as soon as I saw him— Winwin. Beside him is Jaemin, who gave him a handkerchief. He quickly took it and wiped it on the edge of his eye. And I feel the urge of crying as well.

On the other side, I saw Yna smiling at me. She waved at me and mouthed, 'Congratulations!'

I cannot resist but to smile back. I mouthed, 'Thank you.'

When I successfully stopped in front of him, his hand was shaking when he lends it to me. He eyed me for long before he smiled. "You look beautiful, baby..."

I grinned. "Stop!" he chuckled.

And the whole ceremony remains memorable for me. Especially when Winwin and I exchanged vows.

"Winwin, will you take Y/N as your wife?"

"I do."

"Y/N, will you take Winwin as your husband?

"I do."

Winwin smiled.

"You may now kiss the bride..."

Slowly, he removed the cloth that hides my face. The smirk on his lips never skipped my eyes. My hand lightly tap him but I wasn't able to fight him more when he kissed me without a warning.

The whole visitors expressed their joy through claps and screams. Winwin's friends cooed as they shout his name. I cannot resist but to smile.

Slowly, he pulled back.

"We'll continue this later..." he whispered to me.

I felt my cheeks heated up as he said that to me. Winwin lended his arm to me and I quickly tangled my arms on it.

"And now, you're officially mine Mrs. Dong."


Surpriseee! I changed Lia as Y/N as for the gifts to all of youuu hehehe. See you in the next chapter :)

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