2.1 Care

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A/N: Some more story-unrelated BNHA art of mine. This one's a bit more shippier than my others x'D

As stated before, the art is for my own use only.


"How are you feeling now, Julie?" Daddy asks as I stare up past him, where another one of the weird invisible companions I've been seeing- aliens or whatever they might be- floats loyally behind him. Neither Mother nor my daddy seem to notice it beside them, the two adults staring evenly at one another. 

The creature's attention is focused on me, likely since I'm blatantly staring at it openly. Unlike the one that led me to the park last month and the one that was caressing Mina's face that last time she hung out with Daddy and I, this one looks almost like a floating cut diamond- colored an almost black chrome shade save for the edges that the light hits, revealing a startling ruby red color. It looks basic and has no eyes, limbs, or a body like the last two creatures. It doesn't look like a living organism at all, and the only thing giving away the fact that the floating crystal is indeed a sentient creature is the subtle, barely noticeable amusement it expresses as I gawk at it.

I tried talking to it when Daddy and Mother weren't looking earlier, but it didn't respond. I doubt it even could- it doesn't even have a mouth...

"I'm okay," I lie, because in all reality, I'm still stuck in a perpetual state of confusion. Something tells me I'm not about to get any answers about the invisible beings anytime soon- even if I were to ask.

However, I'm not going to ask anyone else. Something in their emotions shift to disapproval whenever I start to say something pertaining to a question about them. I'm not sure how they even realize I'm attempting to start a topic on them, but they always know. At this point, I've given up asking any questions. Now I just look at them very closely when I see them.

All I can gather from my "alien-watching" is: One, they're probably maybe not aliens, and two, none of them look remotely similar to one another. They all look completely different from one another, not like how humans at least have the same four limbs, bipedal, two eyes and hair consistency. I mean, the other day, someone was walking around with one that was literally just a rolling, misty white colored marble like creature. Earlier today, there was a little girl with a tiny pink caterpillar-like fuzzy creature hanging out in her hair much to her obliviousness.

Maybe they're guardian angels? Who knows...

I pull the seatbelt over me once we all reach the car, Mother taking the driver's seat while Daddy closes the door after her and looks in through the open window with a relaxed grin.

"So what are your plans for the day, ladies?" He inquires with an easy smile, leaning in to share a kiss with my mother.

"We're going on a lunch date with Mitsuki and Katsuki in an hour. I've just got some housework to finish at home before we go," Mother explains with a smile, before Daddy returns it and lets her reach out to rub the top of his much taller head affectionately. "Don't overwork yourself, okay, Bjorn?"

"Okay, I promise I won't. I'll see you both tonight for dinner then. Drive safely," Daddy comments, before stepping back from the car and allowing Mother to pull up the window and begin driving away.

The moment it's just Mother and I, I get a sense of foreboding that makes me pause momentarily and look around for the source. 

Why am I suddenly nervous? Where is that feeling coming from?

"...Are you alright, Julie?" She asks, though I'm not sure how she even notices my discomfort. My quirk isn't leaking, is it? Ah, maybe a little.

I look around outside of the window and then all over the inside of the car in search for a season for my discomfort, but when I'm unable to find a reason, I relax and allow my uneasiness to fade away. 

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