1.1 Thrive

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A/N: The art is my own work, and that OC is mine (Juliana Gabehart).


"Alright, kiddo. Dinner's just been served to you and everyone is seated at the table, ready to dig in," a disembodied voice in the darkness says with a playful, unnecessary intensity. The voice is familiar, but... Where have I heard it before? "Now... What do we say before we eat?"

...I don't know. I can't remember.

"Uh... Close enough, I guess," the voice replies, much to my immediate confusion. I didn't answer the disembodied voice because I have no idea what I'm supposed to answer them with. Are they maybe talking to somebody else? "We can work on that after we get over there."

There? There where?

"Are you excited to go to Japan, [REDACTED]?"

Who? Who are they talking to? Is that supposed to be me?... What is my name again?


I can't remember.


A gentle breeze caresses my back, sending a chill rattling straight up my spine like marbles spilled across wood paneling.

In that moment, the world crashes into place around me at once- lighting all five of my senses into action in one overwhelming spin of my axis. I let out a reflexive gasp of shock and wait for the world to settle down. Once it does, I'm keenly aware of several small details.

Like for instance, the fact that I'm lying face down in a puddle for some odd reason. How did I get here? I've no idea. Second thing is that I hardly remember falling down at all in the first place, but I must have if I'm lying on the ground right now, right?

Oh, I realize after a beat of a second. The third thought I have is a very strange one, but it makes sense in my mind in the moment. Whether I'm supposed to realize it or not, it appears in my head anyways.

I am.

I smile and giggle, causing bubbles to form in my belly that feel like butterflies fluttering around. The taste of the nasty puddle my face is half laying in snaps me out of the glee though. Almost immediately, despite how interesting it is that my chest made such strange giddy spasms and noises, I clamp my mouth shut tightly in annoyance. I should probably get up.

Positioning my arms under my torso to push myself back onto my feet, I'm met with the sensation of how this simple action doesn't feel right. It's almost as if it's a movement not committed within my muscle memory. Odd, but I shrug it off easily in favor of getting back onto my feet. As soon as I'm standing, I look down at myself curiously and sigh at the soaked attire of a black and white striped long sleeve under a pair of pale pink overalls. I don't have any shoes on, and oddly enough, one of the straps of my overalls are missing entirely when I reach to try and reattach it properly.

What even happened? I wonder, reaching up to run my fingers through my short hair, styled in a now completely wet bob.

Confused, I take the moment to look around and scan my surroundings next. Detail four that immediately sticks out: shouldn't there have been someone here with me? Why am I alone by myself? It makes no sense that I would be out here without anyone around... Heck, I even feel as if someone here is missing, prompting my eyebrows to knit together. Considering I can't remember who it is that should be here with me, however, I shrug and disregard the odd detail in the end.

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