2.3 Unorthodox

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A/N: The art above is my work and for my own use only!


The sound of something outside my window makes me jump and hug my pillow a bit closer to myself. Glancing over towards it, I eventually summon the courage to gently push the lacy thin curtains out of the way to peer outside into the night stained sky above- stars twinkling between the leaves of the tree outside my bedroom window.

I let out a small laugh of relief when I see a branch on one of the trees scrape against the window from the wind, prompting me to release the curtain and lean back to my original seated position on my bed.

Being home alone... All of a sudden, it's not so bad. And because I haven't been seeing Katsuki at all since I learned he was still bullying Izuku, most of my time is either spend here or at Izuku's house. As of late, however, Izuku visits my home more than I visit his. Mother says it's safer for me to be here where Dad can reach me if an emergency healing is necessary.

I still talk to Mina when I can, but since she lives too far away, visits from her are a little more rare.

Right now, no one is home- not even my companion.

Which shows just how dumb it is for me to have come up with the bright idea to use my lack of parental supervision to watch the horror movies I've been forbidden to watch from our DVD collection. They mentioned that I couldn't watch these specific movies because they were too scary... They never mentioned anything about the more, um, adult scenes that were in quite a few of them.

I made sure I stabbed the skip button whenever I noticed the mood shift towards more intimate tones. Gross...

Either way, some of the horror movies- such as The Thing- definitely earned the title as a horror movie. That one is one I know I'll never unsee... Probably the scariest out of all the movies I watched.

...I think I've had enough horror movies for one night, I think to myself, getting up to turn of my TV and put the DVD back in it's case. I'm jumpy the entire way downstairs, feeling tingling sensations go up and down my spine as I put the movies back where I'd found them, making sure to place them back in their exact locations so as not to alert Mother. Having thought ahead, I'd stuck cards with the movie title of the films between the movies they were once sandwiched by, quickly replacing the cards with the appropriate DVD cases and then promptly taking the cards out to dispose of them. With all the evidence to my misdemeanor at hand, I close the cabinet to head back upstairs to my bedroom.

"AUGH!" I shriek in horror before fully identifying the figure that had been hiding behind the door to the DVD cabinet in the living room, making a sour face as I see it's shoulders shake. It's like it's wildly giggling at having caught me off guard. I narrow my eyes. "Not funny. Stop laughing at me."

...It does not stop, even turning away to lean over as I sense amusement fully take over it's emotions. Rather than complain, I simply wait for my companion to regain it's dignity. When my companion finally calms down, it faces me again, leaned half forward on it's split open taloned feet and looking back at me almost innocently.

"You're not fooling anyone with that look, pal," I scold the creature, moving to walk around it and towards the kitchen to throw away the cards and maybe find myself a snack. "It's not very nice to be sneaking up on people like that, you know? Especially since your face is scary enough as is! I could have gotten a dizzy spell and hurt myself because of you."

My companion lifts the grating at the bottom of it's helmet enough to reveal it's massive jaws, allowing it's blue forked tongue to loll out from within it's sharp teeth and blue gums. It's gums and tongue are the same color as mine, but although my teeth are sharper than Katsuki's and Izuku's teeth, they're nowhere near the level of my companion's intimidating dental set.

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