1.4 Gloom

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A/N: The art is my own work, and for my own use, as it is art of my BNHA OC.


A blank page of printed school content pertaining to questions about a book the teacher read to the class for story time greets me. I've been staring at it for maybe a minute, holding my trembling pencil over the first two blank lines placed below the first question. 

Naturally, I know the answers already. I'm not a slacker by a long shot, that much is true... But my writing is worse now and despite my many efforts to correct it, the teacher is always disappointed in me. She sort of talked to me about it the other day, asking if there was any reason why my writing had decreased in quality, but instead of adhering to the fact that it was my hands shaking, I lied and told her I just didn't care about making it so nice anymore since I don't want her to worry. I don't think she believes it's me slacking off on making my writing nice, as my handwriting is getting worse and worse now. I can barely stop my hand from twitching and scratching lines over my page half the time mid-writing.

My pencil tip snaps in the middle of me trying to carefully write out my answer, a sudden sensation of light headedness washing over me. I lift my pencil from the paper as my world begins to warp in the strangest of ways, making me stare down at my ruined writing as the letters swirl and distort before me. I don't want to end up writing outside the lines on accident with my already bad writing, so I put my pencil down and pretend to study my paper as I wait for the dizzy spell to pass.

I must have put my pencil down in an awkward position, because it quickly rolls off my desk and onto the floor. Despite the sound of the thin wooden tool hitting the tile floor, my focus remains on staring at the paper on the desk in hopes that my vision will eventually correct itself.

For a moment, I close my eyes... When I open then again, however, the same distortion in my vision continues to linger before me. The room is starting to spin, and despite me planting my hands discreetly against my desk to keep me upright and grounded, my world continues to spin around me like a carousel- to the point that I almost begin to feel sick. This dizzy spell thing has actually become a common occurrence and happens from time to time, but it usually goes away as soon as I notice it and has mostly occurred when I'm alone.

...This is the third time now that it's happened in public, but the first time that it's lasted long enough to make me feel sick.

"...iana? Juliana?"

I blink again and the world snaps back into place. To my immediate surprise, I find that the teacher and the teacher aid- a teenage boy from U.A. Academy earning volunteer credits- is standing by my desk and giving me a concerned stare that prompts me to slap a plastic smile across my face to put her at ease.

"I'm okay!" I chirp before she can say anything, watching as mild surprise joins her emotional senses. "I didn't sleep much last night is all, don't worry about me."

The second the words leave my lips, I can already tell I've made a big mistake this time around.

My teacher's eyes narrow at my words and I soon shrink back into my seat, feeling the effects of my quirk negate back towards me suddenly. Normally, if I'm trying to suggest someone to feel a certain way- a new trick I've been practicing recently since I can hardly ever bring myself to leave my room when I'm not playing at Katsuki's or Izuku's house- I have to start small and build it up slowly, or else it might overwhelm the target and make them dizzy with shock.

I wobble in my seat and quickly shut off my attempts at subtly swaying my teacher's concerns, blushing as she pulls out a pink pad of paper from a little waist apron around her hips. I'm definitely in trouble now, if her disappointed disposition is anything to go by.

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