dressing rooms and discoveries

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"do i really need to buy a new shirt," jimin yelled over , the dressing room walls for what felt like  the 300th time. 

" yes, you do," yoongi replied, staring at his phone," because if have to see you in that same white shirt one more time, i'm breaking up with you." 

"oof," jimin huffed , as he walked out of the dressing room in a short-sleeve graphic tee.

"you look grea-," yoongi started but stopped as he saw jimin's arm,"jimin, what are those, on you arm?"

"what do you mean?" jimin said , obviously uncomfortable.

" those scratches on your arm," yoongi said as he reached for jimin's arm, only for him to flinch away.

"i scratched myself on something," jimin said, subtly moving away from yoongi.

"you scratched yourself that many times," yoongi asked, eyebrows raised questoningly.

" yah, there's a sharp ledge i keep walking into," jimin replied, refusing to make eye contact.

"and where exactly is this ledge?" yoongi questioned.

" ummm,our room,"jimin said quietly, tears threatening to spill over.

"jimin we share a room. i think i would've notice hazardous ledges by now," yoongi repliesd " now, why don't you tell me what actually happened?"

"it was me," jimin was crying at this point," i did it to myself." 

yoongi stepped forward and engulfed jimin in a hug.

 " it's okay baby," yoongi said soothingly  as he hugged jimin," do you want to talk abut it?"

" it's just so hard sometimes, " jimin blubbered into yoongi's chest, " it just feels like i'm falling and there's no end."

" just remember jimin, if you're ever falling, i'll be there to catch you."

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