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Skip til you see rainbow emojis🏳️‍🌈 if you're a guy

A groggy Niall walks into my room.

"What happened last night?" He asks.

"Uhh... well Hyojin got really mad and she sorta... well she said she's done with you and never going back and she said I can have you." I say.

"What... so- she broke up with me?" He asks.

I nod my head.

"Awe fuck." He says before leaving the room.

I lay back down feeling really sad cause he never mentioned the part where I said he can have me.

I hear a notification on my phone so I grab it and see that I've gotten a dm on Twitter.

I open the dm and it's from hyojin.

"Have you told Niall yet?"

"Yes" I type

I shut off my phone and get up, I think I need to ask Niall about beating Hyojin cause that's so fucking crazy.

I leave my room and walk into the kitchen where I find Niall sipping a cup of what seems to be coffee.

"Hey Niall..." I say.

"Hey." He says.

"I wanted to ask you something."


"Last night the police came and uh, they said something about-

Niall cuts me off.

"The police came!?" He asks.


"What the fuck, That bitch must've called them again."

"Huh... who?"


"Oh... no. It was me."

"Wha- why?"

"You pointed a knife to her throat Niall..."

"I was probably just joking!"

"Well it didn't seem that way, anyways. The police said you've beat Hyojin before..." I say.

"Wha- hold on, hold on. That is a lie. I've never laid a finger on her but she tells the police I do because she found out if she makes enough claims and I go to prison she can take a lot of my money."

"What the fuck... well tell the police that."

"I have! They only care about what Hyojin says though."

"Awe, that must suck."

"Yeah, it does."

"So I guess you and Hyojin are broken up.."

"No.. don't say that."

"What why?"

"Because, I love her."

"Niall she's a terrible person you deserve better!"

"She's not so bad."

"Name 10 good things about her."

"Well she's cute, she's... she's, hmm... I cant think right now."

"Cause you don't actually love her!"

"Don't say that."

"Well she's not coming back."

"You don't know that."

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