What Happens Next? (Teen Pregnancy)

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Hey well this is my first story that I've ever posted online. Soo hope that you like it and that it's decent. And if you have any suggestions or ideas then please tell me. Enjoy :)


I'm Cassie Greenwell. Well that's what they call me for short. You see, my name is Cassandra Isabelle Greenwell, but I don't like it. I go to Union High School in Sacramento, California, 17 and finishing my senior year. I had big goals for myself after high school. I was going to go to the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington and possibly study in the medical field to become a pediatrician. I thought things were going good at the time because I had been accepted into that college. I live with my mom, younger brother and sister, I have four siblings but the two oldest Scarlett and Stephan live on their own. Scarlett is 23, has one kid and lives about 20 minutes away from my house. My brother Stephan is 20 and lives by himself like 10 minutes away. I, on the other hand, take care of my little sister and brother all the time. Caroline is 5 years old and my brother Adam is 13. 

I'm an a-b student, bit of a troublemaker, I'm alright when it comes to meeting new people because I think that I'm just fine with the people I have. Some say that I'm a funny person which I don't really believe. I'm not one of those popular preppy girls at school, but im not that much of an outcast either, I'm just another person at school who has some friends and knows some people. I don't talk to most people though since most of the people at school are arrogant pricks, trash talkers, backstabbers, and whores. I only stick with my four best friends. Piper, Charlotte, Andy, and Kyle. We've all been best friends since elementary school, well except for Kyle. He came into the picture during middle school. Then theres my boyfriend, Damon. He has straight, windswept, light brown hair. He's 18, 5"10 and i'm 5"3. I have long, dirty blonde wavy locks that reaches the middle of my back. 

When I was 12 my parents got divorced and left my mom to take care of me, Caroline, Adam, and Stephan. It was pretty hard because it was about 2 months after Caroline was born. She had two jobs, and Stephan would walk dogs, while I would be at home watching Caroline and Adam. It was pretty hard since it was two kids after school every day and I was 12. My mom barely had time to spend time with the three of us. I basically raised Caroline and Adam to this day. Me and my mom are a bit distant because of the previous years. You see, When my mom had her days off she would would make us dinner, do our laundry and some of the chores, then she would go upstairs into her room and stay there for the rest of the time. I took care of both kids day and night. Stephan would help sometimes. I blame it on my father because after they got divorced she just blocked everything out and started shutting everyone out of her life. I don't talk to my father because after Caroline was born and he left, he never came back or called. I'm also distant from my dad so I'm really close to Caro and Adam. When Caro started talking she called me mommy. I didn't know what to say, I was only 13. I told my mom, but all she said was "If she calls you mom, let her until shes older and you can tell her who her real mom is." I couldn't believe what she had told me. From there she kept on calling me mommy. High school came and I had to take her with me. She went to daycare there. My life is bizzare and messed up. My little sister thinks that I'm her mother. Adam knows that I'm not his mom, but that didn't stop him from calling me mom once or treating me like I was his mom.

I knew that one day I would have kids. I planned on having two or three when I was older. I never knew it would be this day. Am I ready? I probably am since I raised two kids at the age of 12. Question is, What am I going to do?


How is it? Is it bad or good? Should I go on with it? This is not the first chapter. Its just talks about the background information and talks about her past and her life. Comment and Vote? Yeah please? :)

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