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Warning: This chapter has a violent scene, please be advised.

Abagail's Perspective:

Abagail barely heard Charlotte over the massive rush through her veins, anger flared as her sister smirked as if she had won a prize.

"How could this be?" Abagail thought to herself.

He was supposed to be mine, not Charlotte's. She couldn't feel her body anymore, it was as if this was a scene in a movie that Abby could not push pause or skip over. Charlotte has everything in her life, and she had nothing but misery except for Chad, and now that seems to be gone. Tears began to spill out from the over the flow of wetness welling up and running down her face. Glancing over at Chad, his face said it all. There was a shock, sadness, and a look of death that he glared out at Charlotte.

Chad slid his warm hand onto her thigh, "Baby, I can hear what you are thinking, I am yours, always and forever," Chad said with eyes that pleaded Abagail to believe him.

Chad and Abagail were supposed to be together, and he was meant to be hers but how would she even compete with Charlotte? The answer was staring Abagail right in the face, and it was the guilty look on Abby's dream husband that sealed her fate. Tearing her gaze from Chad and looked at her shaking hands while tears began to run down Abagail's face faster.

How could she look at these two people who were supposed to love her and be happy for the both of them? Abagail's sister hates her and believes she has wronged Charlotte somehow and Abby's dream man was supposed to love her but turns out he just wanted her sister the whole time. Maybe she was just the substitute until he could have Charlotte with him. Abagail didn't know what the reason was, but at this point, she didn't care. The heart that was supposed to keep her alive was breaking into pieces, and there was enough hurt in her tragic life. Abby wasn't going to stand by and let anyone hurt her anymore.

Chad tightened his grip on her thigh as her thoughts rushed his mind, his head shaking no, "Baby, it's not what you think it is," Chad whispered into her ear.

She couldn't hear anymore, Abagail had to get out of here now! Pushing against Chad, she tried to escape, but Chad would not move. Panic began to set in, her breathing came in quick pants while she kicked Chad's knee making him jump up.

"Oww! What the fuck baby." Chad yelled out as Abagail jumped from the booth running for the door, but she didn't make it all the way before a sharp pain crawled its way around her skull. The twinges of pain increased and the sound of roots being ripped out of Abagail's head, screaming out while trying to kick back to fight for her life. Looking back, Abagail saw Susan smirking with evil lurking behind her brown eyes.

It was as if Abagail's mother was wearing a mask because her face changed from the beautiful creamy skin into a hideous monster with black and purple scaly skin and bright yellow eyes with pupils the color of a raging fire. Abby's eyes widened as the breath from her chest froze and would not allow it to pass from her paralyzed lungs. Abagail's body began to tremble in pure fright wanting to look away from the hideous creature in front of her, but Abby's gaze never wavered. How could this be her mother? Abagail thought she was free from nightmares, but the horror found her.

A thick black long forked tongue came out of Susan's mouth and licked the side of her neck while Abagail tried to recoil for disgust but was held into place with the tight grip in her hair.

"I don't see your man coming to save you, how sweet of you to think any man would ever want your fat ass." The monster said with a growl.

Susan's mask drifted back into place while she forced Abagail's head back even further making her watch the scene that laid behind them. Charlotte's arms were wrapped around Chad's thick neck as she pressed her lips against his neck. Krystal screaming at Chad and Charlotte to get the fuck out of the way so she could come and help. Abagail didn't want to believe Chad would do this to her like a veil being lifted from Abby's eyes, a struggling Chad trying to push Charlotte out of the way while looking toward Abagail, Krystal screaming at Charlotte for standing in their way. Quickly the veil lowered and showed Chad kissing Charlotte.

Screaming out in her head for Chad to get away from Charlotte and for her best friend to run the other way. There was no voice escaping her mouth no matter how hard she tried. Screaming even louder but nothing escaped from Abby's head for anyone to hear her pain.

Ethan pushed Chad and Charlotte apart as he ran towards Abagail. Susan began to laugh against her ear, "Poor man is delusional if he thinks I won't kill you right here in front of everyone." Susan rammed her body against the door as she turned Abagail's head back around slamming her face into the glass.

Hearing a roar behind her made Abagail's tension go up even higher than they were. The door opened and thought it must have been magic but as Abby looked down and saw Susan's medium sized hand with her red tip fingernail around the gold metal doorknob. She pushed Abagail outside but kept a tight hold onto her hair.

Something wet slid out against the back of her neck began to slither down her skin with the smell of metallic while a hideous hacking laugh crackled in her ear. The woman she called mom is actually going to kill her this time. There was no way this evil creature was going to kill Abagail without a fight. She no longer had a mother because that thing is not her mother. The only logical explanation there was, her mother was dead, and that thing killed the real Susan. Using the will to live, Abagail lifted up her free arm and jabbed it back into Susan's stomach hearing a brutal snap sound that she would never forget. Abby didn't dare look back, if she did, then she would indeed be dead.

Each blow Abagail drove into the things body was futile, one minute her feet were touching the ground and with a fling of the woman's arm against Abby's chest, catapulted her broken body through the air landing hard on the asphalt. It felt as if her body was broken in two, but it also feels as if something was shoved through her chest. Looking down the Celtic knot necklace was not around her neck. Abagail ring she received from Chad for protection did not help her in reality only the dream. The chain was supposed to protect her, but somehow it was gone. Wetness oozed from her shirt, running her small hand down her chest feeling a thick wet substance. Raising her hand, Abagail could see the blood covered her trembling hand.

She was going to die without telling Chad, she believed him about Charlotte, but that chance would never come.

"No, No," Abagail whispered out, "I am stronger than this, I will not allow myself to die," Abagail whispered once again.

Unknown arms captured Abagail around her waist and picked up her weakening body off the ground. Her fight instinct kicks in once again began to hit tight fists behind and kicking with all of her might. Warm Hands tighten around Abagail, she just knew whoever it would kill her. Screaming out in pain while she cried out, even more, the room began to spin as everything around Abagail went completely dark.

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