Chapter 20

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Abagail's Perspective:

The smell of butterscotch coats Abagail's senses, feel the weight from the gravity that Earth puts on her body. It feels strange now because she was so light when Abagail's soul was lifted from her body. Maybe that is why she felt so bright because Abby didn't have this anchor of a body to weigh her down.

At this moment, she didn't care about the semantics of gravity because Abagail could feel a soft breath caress her hand, her heavy eyes fluttered open, looking down to see Chad's head upon her chest now rising and falling to the rhythm of Abby's breath.

Chad intense light blue eyes are closed and his shoulders shaking as if he were crying. Most of the time, Abagail would try to fight because of the triggers she deals with from the abuse of Susan, and Charlotte inflicted, but Chad's presence soothed her fractured soul from the monsters.

Smiling down at her gorgeous fiancée, carefully she brings her weak, shaking hand and places it over his silky thick black mane. Softly sliding her fingers through the soft strands feeling relaxation Abby needed for a long time but for the first time in her life, she was at peace.

Gliding her fingers through his hair and allowing her small digits to travel down the nape of his neck. Bright, strong nails graze down his warm muscular tan skin. Abagail almost chuckled when goose bumps began to form on his body. Abagail stuffed her laughed deep inside herself to keep the peace so Chadwick could rest since we all had a trying day.

"Are you having fun turning me on?" Chad's thick, smooth voice rang out in her ear, Abagail's smile widens, and she knew at that moment she was caught.

"Nah, it is not fun for me at all," Abagail said with a bored voice, trying to tease him.

Smiling brightly at Chad, lifting her other arm running it down over his back caressing softly.

"Oh, really? So, what if I did this." Chad said with a smile

Bringing his fingers down over the sides of Abagail's waist and began to tickle her over and over again. The bubble of laughter started to boil in her chest while she rocked back and forth trying to get him off of her, suddenly the dam broke, and Abagail's scream out laughter broke free.

"St... stop Chad!" Abagail softly cried out while laughing.

Chad stopped tickling her sides thank goodness, allowing her to finally catch the long-awaited breath. Chad's beautiful smile slid from his gorgeous face, and that sobered Abby up quickly.

"You scared the shit out of me baby...I can't live without you ever." Chad softly said as his words broke, his head laid back down over her heaving chest as his strong muscular arms enveloped Abagail squeezing her tightly.

"I am sorry Chad, but she was so strong, and I couldn't do anything," Abagail said while rushing her words out.

I just wished my mother was typical, I wanted my dad was alive, so when we get married in reality he could walk me down the aisle, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards for me. So, I will take this life because you are in it Chad." Abagail softly said looking down.

Looking back up Abagail raised her small hand over Chad's cheek to cup it and smiled and looked into his beautiful bright turquoise eyes. "You are the love of my life Chad, and even when I thought you were just in my dreams, it was better because you were in them." Abagail gently said almost whispering and smiled up at Chad trying to convey through her eyes and words how fortunate she is.

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