Chapter 22: No Arguments Made

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Chapter 22: No Arguments Made

Anastasia's POV


"Don't argue with me", he threatens.

"Or what?", I look him in the eye and say this.

"Or else i'll shove it down your mouth."

"Good luck doing that", I encourage sarcastically.

He sighs. "Six years and you haven't changed one bit. Why do defy me all the fu- damn time?!", Christian growls.

"Why do you always want everyone to follow your order?", I shoot back. "Its my life, I can do whatever I want."

"You said yes to help you. Now that i'm doing it, you make excuses and defy me, as usual. I think I shouldn't be surprised."

"Christian I am not having this gooey green liquid", I say, eyeing the horrible looking green liquid in front of me in the bowl.

"First of all its not 'liquid'. Its a spinach puree. And if you see the consistency", he stops and picks up a spoon and takes a spoonful of his so called 'puree' and shows it to me, "i've made it thick enough like said on internet."

I look at him like he has grown horns on his head. Is he kidding me? He wants me to consume this and then keep it inside my stomach? I'm sure i'll hurl the minute I put one spoon in my mouth.

"Umm, no, i'd very much like to keep my appetite intact. Give me a sandwich and i'll be good to go."

"Anastasia Steele, you have to eat it", he says slowly like he is talking to a child. But i'm no child and neither is he my parent.

I look at Mila who is looking at me with amusement and munches on her omelette silently. I eye her omelette, instantly jealous that even a child gets to eat better than me.

"But why?", I whine.

"Because I talked with Mila yesterday and I found out you diet consists of sandwiches and pizzas and only junk. Did you guys eat anything other than junk?", he scowls.

I look at him with my mouth open and then narrow my eyes at Mila who smiles at me smugly. She is already a daddy's girl.

"Well that wasn't the 'only' thing we had. That was just during weekends, okay? And besides we had vegetarian sandwiches you know? With just salad in between so technically its healthy..", I blabber but realize how stupid I sound and so I shut up. I'd do anything to not eat this gooey thing.

He looks at me with a bored expression and hovers above me and then says, "You want a sandwich right?"

"Right", I nod.

"Fine", he says and goes into the pantry. He takes one or two things and comes out. I see that he has a packet of bread in one hand and butter knife in another.

He walks towards me, puts the packet of bread down, removes 2 slices of bread from it. I eye him carefully to see what does he do. Did he really agree to what all I said?

"If its not my wish, then definitely not yours. We'll stay on the middle ground", he says and I look at him in confusion.

And then I see what did he mean by that. Are you actually kidding me?

He scoops the green goo and dumps it on the bread. He then spreads it with a butter knife as if he is applying jam on bread. He puts the other slice on top and offers me the so called 'sandwich'.

"Do I look like a kid?", I scowl.

"Well, you act line one. I can't see much of a difference", he smirks.

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