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It has been a whole month since I live with ajhumma.

I feel pretty great for living with people I don't know much. Actually, I don't feel like they are people I don't know. I feel like they are really close to me.

I love ajhumma's cooking so much. Whatever she makes it's always delicious.
Sometimes I help her in house chores though she doesn't let me help much.

Joon comes to our house almost everyday. He teaches me korean and other basic stuff.
And I have already learnt a lot of it, can speak basic Korean nicely.

Joon complimented that my accent is pretty nice as well.

Few days later, Ajhumma declares that she doesn't want a kid in her house who only sits and eats.

Means, I'm only 18 years old and I need to go to school.

I finish my Korean learning session in few weeks after that and get admitted in an high school in the season of spring.

Thanks to Joon, I can speak Korean quite fluently now. Although I still have a bit problem in writing. Joon said it will not take long to get used to it.

Today is my first day at school. My school is not too much far from the house.
I guess it would take 15 minutes for a walk.

I wake up ealry, take a shower and have breakfast as usual.
I wear my uniform and get ready. I like this uniform. Since it's spring the uniform is white shirt with blue and black striped tie. The coaty is black and the skirt is black as well.
I look pretty decent in these clothes.
Since my hair is short I leave it alone after brushing it a bit.

I take my bag and I'm ready to leave.

As I reach the doorstep, I call for ajhumma.

"I'm going!"

Ajhumma comes out from the kitchen and hands me a container. Of course it's a lunch box.

I take the lunch box and bow to her.

"Study hard, my daughter."

Ajhumma says, with a smile. A smile that warms my heart.

And I tear up, out of her affection.
But I give her a smile too. And turn around to go.

I go out of the house and as soon as I leave the yard, I notice Joon outside.
He's leaning against the wall.
He is wearing his school uniform. This is the first time I saw Joon in school uniform though I know him for three months now.

His and mine uniform are kinda same. Don't tell me-

"Yah! I was waiting for you."

Joon says as he notices me.

"Why would you wait for me?" I ask

"Because our destination is same?"

"Are we in the same school?"

"How come you don't know that?"

"Nevermind, I'm gonna be your senior anyway, Call me sunbae and bow to me everytime you see me in the school."

I order Joon, flipping my short hair, trying to act matured.
Whilst I didn't notice Joon's evil smirk.

My jaw drops when the teacher takes me to the class where I can see Joon, who is sitting in the back, waving at me with a huge smile.

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