the one with the strange people and strange faces.

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1st NOVEMBER 2011:

it was one year since the opening of al jalilah children's hospital. I sat on one of the seats of the new metro train. Surgery after surgery, fatigue ached her tired muscles. There were hardly any commuters except an old haggard  man sitting 3 seats away from her gave a gummy smile at her. She too smiled back.

Her throat parched despite the incoming winter. She took out a small bottle of water from her bag and twisted the cap open. When she heard a small prolonged cough.

It came from the old man 3 seats besides her. She immediately handed her bottle to him and he hurriedly the entire contents of the bottle. With every gulp her smile faltered as in the end he handed her the empty bottle and gave a gummy smile. To which she smiled back without any hesitation.

What worried her more was her dad and his business. Economy sucked the life out of plenty business. Many companies shutdown. Big or small. She didn't care about his other businesses...this in particular was where he began. That was more precious to their family.

She let out a deep sigh. 14hours of surgery and she had another surgery to perform. It was her day off ...but when duty go....cracking her knuckles and stretching her neck.

She pulled out the newspaper and almost always H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Malktoum graced the front page.

Ugh! He Doesn't actually help the people by reducing rent or raising a little salary and now is being praised for his economic judgment skills...bla bla bla!! Why can't he be more people's king....Yes it's difficult but...argh whatever...ima catch upon some sleep till I reach my destination.

She feels a small nudge as she sees the old man handing her a small bottle with yellow seemed like something was veggie infused in water. Could be tea. She was tiny bit hesitant , but she was thirsty and took the bottle. The man the pat her head gently and sat back onto his seat snoring.

Wow...wish I could sleep like That! Was what she thought as she drank the content of the bottle. Her eyebrows creased together at the slight bitter taste...but it was water nonetheless. After 3 gulps. She closed the bottle and placed it next to the man and got back to her seat. Sighing she shut her eyes trying to sleep and no sooner she dozed off.
1st NOVEMBER 1953:

Bright hot Sun woke her up.
Where am I? She looked around. Sand every where. Vast expanse of it.
Eyes shut tight and one arm covering her eyes as she tried to trudge through the sand towards what could be seen as a long endless road.
Sun blinding her.
More Thirst.
. Strange soft voices, Blackout.
Traditional attired women .
Children staring

"", her throat to dry to let her voice out. It pained like her throat might collapse.

She was handed a glass what seemed like water. She chugged it down like her life depended on it...well kinda did.

"More!", she shoved the glass back. As the young attender of the lady of house poured some water.

Aairah snatched the jug from her drank the contents wetting her clothes. After she was done. She looked at the traditionally dressed women...who wears clothes like these nowadays! Wait where the hell am I...why is this place surprisingly  cool there is no a/c.

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