A job ....Yay!!!

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(Your pov)
'Okie, this must be the place the poster stated' you thought as you looked up to the top hat shaped Building. 'Quite odd how it's shaped. Might as well see if anyone is home.' You thought as you walked up to the gate doors. You where almost instantly greeted by a mass amount of missiles, and other weapons. You stopped in your tracks as you looked at the machinery. "Um.....HELLO!!! ANYONE HOME???" You yelled hoping someone would answer and shut off the weapons. Then you herd someone say, "o-oh I'm so s-sorry! I-i'll j-just get th-that for y-you!" The voice sounded like a traumatized young boy. You watched as the weapons went away and then looked at the door of the hat shaped house being opened. You saw a man with a paper bag and lab coat walk out. "Oh h-hello, um....a-are you perhaps (y-y/n)(l/n)? The scitesh boy asked. "Yes, yes I am! I'm here to take part of helping clean up the....Black Hat Organisation!" You say looking back at the poster in your hand. "O-oh wonderful! C-come on i-in!" The boy says opening the gate. You walk in and follow him up to the door of the hat shaped Building. "It appears to me I haven't gotten your name." You say looking at the cautious male beside you. "O-o Oh i-i'm s-sorry! M-my n-names D-dr. Flug!" He says shaking a little. you cock your head to the side as you looked at him."Well, Dr.Flug, you have no need of fearing me." You a sured him and holding out your hand to a sure he trusts you. He shakes your hand and then walks you inside. "T-thanks!" He says. "Um.....when do I get to meet my new boss?" You asked looking at the interior design of the building. "O-oh...R-right! Your new b-boss. F-follow me!" He said then bolted up the stairs. You did the same until the both of you reached a room with two very big doors. "This the boss's office?" You asked. "Y-yes. P-please be c-careful." He said then knoked on the set of big doors. "Who is it?" A rather scratchy voice asked. "I i-its me sir!" Flug blurted out. "And y-y-your n-new e- employee!!" He added. "......Come in" The man on the other end of the door said. Flug opened the door and you walked in and started walking up to the desk until the man said,"Stop. Stand right there....FLUG GET OUT!" The man yelled at the poor boy. Flug wasted no time to get out of there leaving you and this guy alone."so u-" "SILENCE!" you where cut off by the man yelling at you. You didn't say anything else. He got up from his desk and walked over to you and started to inspect you. "Why are you here?" He questioned. You took a deep breath, "I'm here to be a maid." You said then held up the poster. The man snatched the paper out of your hand. "I see..." he said, this time a little calmly. "Do you know how to clean?" He asked. "Yes, yes I do....sir?" You said, questioning the last part hoping to get a name. "Very well, you start 5:30 am tommorow." He said. You sustained a groan of annoyance. "Follow me. 5.0.5 has prepared a room for you." He said walking toward the doors of the room. You followed him to your room.'lucky me I actually get a place to live.' You thought. Before you found the poster to work here, your apartment complex got burned down. "Here is your room." He said. You looked at him. "Thank you, sir!" You said then went to go into it, but the man stopped you. "Dinner will be done soon so I suggest you stay awake." He said then walked back to his office. 'Ok...'you thought. You herd a loud crash from down stairs. It surprised you to say the least. You bolted down the stairs and into the room the crash came from. You saw a girl with electric green hair and a lizard jacket chasing Dr.Flug. You also saw a blue bear with a flower on its head trying to clean up some glass on the floor. The lizard girl stopped and looked at your confused face. "OOOH!!! FLUG WHO'S THAT?!?!" The girl yelled, sending adrenalin through your veins. "The names (y/n)!" You said walking over to the girl with confidence. "I work here now!" You said smiling. "YAY!! FINALLY SOMEONE NEW!!!" she exclaimed, then tackle hugged you. You almost lost balance, but you were still standing. "DEMINTIA GET OFF THEM!!!" You herd Flug yell. The girl now named Demintia got off you and headed out of the lab. You looked over at the bear still cleaning up glass and walked over to it. "I'll help with that." you say, starting to pick up shards of glass. "Awou" the bear said. You and the bear picked up all the pieces except one. You went to pick up the piece and cut your self on accident. "Ow....." You said then put the piece in the trash. The boss walked in,"WHAT'S ALL THE-" he was cut off by the sent of blood coming from your hand. His head snapped to you. 'Oh crap....' you thought taking a step back. "(Y/N) RUN!" Flug screamed. You bolted to your room. The boss was right behind you, but you made it to your room in time. You slammed the door in his face, and locked it. You slid down to the floor."I'm so sorry..." You said to him. You went to open the door to see if he was ok but got tackled from behind. "YOU WORTHLES PIECE OF-" you cut him off by pining him to the floor. You looked at him with a predatory glare . You sustained your rage and let him go. You sat on the floor in front of him. "I'm sorry." You said. He got up and brushed him self off. "Don't let it happen again." He said. "Yes sir!" You said. "Um, sir?" You asked. "What?" He said. "Could you tell me your name, please?" You asked. He rolled his eyes, "Black Hat, you obviously haven't guessed." He said then walked out of the room. You went to your nightstand and pulled out a bandage. You wrapped it around your cut. 'That should do. I should find the dinning room.' You thought. You cleaned up the first aid kit and headed out of the room. You finally stumbled across the dinning room. You saw Damintia and the bear already there. You walked into the room. "Am I late?" You asked. "Heh! Your actually early!" Damintia said. "Oh ok.....where are Flug and Black Hat?" You asked. "R-right h-here!" You heard Flug say behind you. You turned around and looked at them. "Oh hello!" You said. You turned around and watched as everyone sat down. "Um...where could I sit?" You asked. "Across from me." Black Hat said. "Ok then." You said then sat down across from black hat. "5.0.5 bring us our dinner." Black Hat said to the bear you now acknowledge as 5.0.5. Said bear got up and went into the kitchen to do as he was told. You couldn't help put shift in your seat a little as black hat peered at you from across the table. Finally 5.0.5 walked into the room with the food. He placed a plate in front of every one then sat down. "Thank you, 5.0.5!" You said. "Arwou" he said in response. You looked at everyone eating and saw Damintia going at it and giggled. You began to eat. Once everyone was done eating, you got up and started to collect the plates. Black Hat looked at you as you grabbed his and you looked at him as a way of asking if you could take his plate. He slightly nodded. you took his plate. You went towards the kitchen and then started washing the plates when you got in there. Once you were done you walked back into the dinning room to see no one was there. You decided to go to your room. You got to your room and went to do the necessary in the attached bathroom. Once you were done in there you when to your bed and fell asleep.

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