A Nice Game of Cards

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Your (P.O.V.)

I woke up to my phone alarm going off at 5:30 am as I had set it to. I lazily turned it off and then sat up. As soon as I did a mass wave of pain went into my head. My hands went to my forehead and held it for a moment. 'This must be because I fell yesterday' I thought. Once my head stilled enough I stood up and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Black Hat's (P.O.V)

I woke up and sat up in my bed. I had another weird dream about (Y/N) though this time they weren't in danger and it was a shorter dream. I felt my entire face heat up and I felt my chest start to hurt. I wanted to yell but refused to as I put my hand up to my face. To put into context we were sitting on the couch or rather I was. They were laying on me with their arms around my torso and their head on my chest. I let out an angry groan as I removed my hands form my face. I got up off my bed  and then went to my attached bathroom to get ready for the day. After leaving my room I decided I'd check and see if (Y/N) was awake. I walked into their room to find that they weren't there. I looked down at my watch seeing that it was 6 am. I heard a door lock click and turned my attention to the sound seeing that it was emitted by this rooms attached bathroom door. Not short after a clean (y/n) walked out with only a towel covering there body. I put my arm down and turned my body to them. They were looking at me with slightly widened eyes, which I suppose is expected considering the situation. I felt my face heat up again, which I responded to by scrunching my face. "Hurry up and dress yourself, breakfast isn't going to make it's self" I quickly said before making my way out and away from the room.

Your (P.O.V)

You slightly raised an eyebrow as you watched Black Hat leave. You made a slightly sassy expression at Black Hat's orders. You rolled your eyes slightly before going to your dresser to pick out an outfit for the day. You only really had to make food today and check up on everyone. You decided to wear something simple like a T-Shirt with (whatever you want) design on it and some shorts to go with it. You definetly didn't really care to dress nice today. After getting dressed and taming your hair you made your way to the kitchen thinking about what you could make today. You thought some french toast would be simple and easy enough to make. Once you got to the kitchen you grabbed your apron and put it on. You then went to the fridge and pulled out the milk and eggs and sat them on the counter. You reached up into the cabinet and grabbed the vanilla and cinnamon and sat that on the counter as well before getting your measuring tools, a bowl, a few plates and a frying pan. You then began to make many pieces of french toast.

Black Hat's (P.O.V)

I was currently looking at (Y/N) as they made breakfast. I saw them put bread into a bowl they previously put an egg, cinnamon and vanilla into. As they lifted the piece of bread up out of the bowl it tore and fell back in. "Ah, noooooooo" I heard them quietly yell under there breath as they quickly grabbed the piece of bread again and put it into the pan. I felt myself smile slightly. "Black Hat, Sir, what ar- eek" I had jumped slightly before grabbing Flug's face so that he would be quiet. "Get back to work!" I quietly yelled at him pushing him away. I felt my face heat up again making myself more aggravated not knowing why. "Actually, meet me in the laboratory" I then said before melting into the floor and popping into the lab. I heard Flug start running this way. He looked rather unkempt as he bursted into the lab. "It's about time" I said before going and taking a seat on the rolling chair he had. Flug had his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "W-what- what s-seems to b-be the problem s-sir?" He then asked once he was able to maintain enough air in his lungs to project it into words. "As unrealistic as it may seem, I believe I might of caught some sort of sickness or parasite of the sort" I said knowing that a demon such as myself could never get sick but something had to be causing my body to react the way it is. "W-what makes you think that?" Dr. Flug asked standing up straight. "For some reason my face, that is normally as cold as a corps, keeps feeling warm and an object behind my chest keeps pulsating at a rapid pace. My thought have also been invaded by none evil thoughts" I explained before looking to Flug to see if he had any idea what was happening. "Coul- could these..symptoms, only be occurring when being by a specific person or thinking of a specific person?" He asked moving a hand up slightly to point, with his thumb extended from his palm, at nothing in particular. "...I suppose these symptoms do occur mainly when (Y/N) is within my presence and the thoughts do mainly include them. Do they have a spell or some sort of curse on me!? Or perhaps have they put something in my food that had tricked my mind!?" I said now starting to think that that could be the case considering not much was taken into though when hiring them. I heard Flug let out a small laugh. "What's so funny!?" I yelled causing him to jump and start shaking a little. "S-s-sorry s-sir, I-I j-just thought t-that maybe y-you m-might be e-experiencing t-these fe-sy-symptoms b-because you m-might...l-like (Y/N)..i-in p-possibly a-a r-r-roma-mant-tic w-way-" he said starting to shake a bit more. "In.. what..way?" Dementia asked starting to walk towards Flug and I from the entrance of the lab. "Nonsense! A demon such as myself couldn't possibly ever have feelings let alone feelings for anyone!" I said. "Not for anyone but me! Right black hat?" Damentia said then questioned coming over to me and hugging me. Of course in response I pushed her off of myself. "Never you" I then said before submerging myself into the house and then to my office.

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