A brother?

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You wake up extreamly early. Checking your phone you see that it's 1:30 am. You decided to go back asleep. Boy wasn't that a mistake. You woke up to your alarm at 5:30. You felt like crap. Getting up you rubbed your eyes and stretched. Damentia came busting through your door. "HIA' (Y/N) BLACK HAT TOLD ME TO TELL YOU THAT YOU NEED TO HURY UP!..." she stopped and thought for a moment. "He told me it was important but I fotgot," she giggled then ran out the room. You groaned and took a quick shower. The water was cold because the water heater needed to be fixed. You remimded yourself to fix that later. You got out of the shower and rushed to put all your clothes on after you dried off. You also quickly brushed your teeth. After being completly ready you bolted down out of your room and down the stairs. You tripped on the last step and face plantend on the floor. You just layed there for a minute untill you heard a soft voice ask if you were ok. You looked up to see, Black Hat? This man was coverd in white clothing from head to toe. You were greatly confused. Black Hat walked behind him and lookes down at you. You jump up to you feet as fast as you could. Yet again another mistake. You got really light headed and had to sit back down. The man in white asked if you were ok again. You replied with a 'yeah I'm fine' and got up. You looked at the man and then at Black Hat. Black hat pitched in and said, "This is my..Brother..White Hat." He didn't seem to fond to call him his brother. That you could understand when White Hat grabbed your hands and started shakeing them violently while saying, "It's a pleaser to meet you, (Y/N)! My brother here has said many nice things about you!" You looked at Black Hat with a very confused face. Which only got more confused when you saw a hint of green on his face. You shook your head and returned your attention to White Hat. "Uh (Y/N) yeah...I'm sorry but what's going on?" White Hat pulled his hands away and jumped in delight. "Oh! Black Hat here was so kind enough to let me and my crew stay here until my house gets rebuilt. You see, it got burnt down." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously while saying the last sentence. 'my crew and I' You corrected him in your head. Black Hat was reading your mind and couldn't help but stiffle a laugh. You pulled your hands up to your mouth and yawned. After yawning you said. "Oh cool. Should I make breakfast now?" You asked looking at Black Hat. Black Hat nodded and then pulled White Hat to his office. You walked to the kitchen and made breakfast. You would be going shopping later today for more food. After you got done makeing breakfast everyone came in to the dinning room and sat at a seat. You placed at plate infront of everyone. There wasn't enough to make yourself a plate so you just went back into the kitchen and cleaned. After everyone was done they got up and went there separate ways. White Hat picked up all the plates and walked into the kitchen. Being that you were still tired, you desided to close your eyes to stop them from stinging. You were leaning your back against the wall with your arms crossed. White Hat carefuly placed the dishes down and then walked over to you. You where close to falling asleep. "Hey (Y/N)!-" He was about to say more, but you jerked awake and flipped your places. You were now holding White Hat against the wall. The both of you had wide eyes, but for different reasons. You were alerted and ready to fight some one. White Hat on the other hand was shocked. It was like this for a good five minutes before you shut your eyes and shook your head as you moved away from him. "....Sorry" you said after yawning again. White Hat blinked a couple times before calming down. "It's ok! I didn't know you were sleeping, I apolagize!" He put his hands up and shook them side to side as he spoke. "Well almost asleep, but it's ok..." you said before looking at the plates on the counter. With out a word you went and picked the plates up and began to wash them and put them away. White Hat watched as you did so.

After wards White Hat and yourself moved to the living room where he sat on the couch while you dusted off everything in the room. Flug was in the Lab working on his assigned project from Black hat. Damintia was in her room making noises and being destructive. Black Hat was in his office doing paper work. After you finished dusting everything off you stood staring at the floor while deep in thought. White Hat raised and eye brow at you. "Are you ok, (Y/N)?" He asked snappimg you out of your thoughts. "Er Yeah I'm fine. I was just trying to remember what I needed to do today...." You said looking off to the side starting to think again. Your eyes went wide and you slightly jumpped as you remembered. "OH RIGHT! I need to fix the hot water tank and get groceries!" You said before running out of the room and too the room that contained the hot water tank. White Hat looked at the door you ran out off for a couple seconds before getting up and following after you.

After an hour or two of messing with the hot water tank and accedently burning yourself a couple times you finnaly fixed it. You placed your hand on your arm where a big burn was. White Hat had ran off an gotten a first aid kit. You thanked him as you took the burn cream out of the kit and began putting it on your arm. After getting your arm situated and the first aid kit put away you went into the kitchen and began making a list of food Iteams you needed. Damintia had moved out of her room and to the kitchen where she suggested numerous foods and sweets to add to the list. 5.0.5 was hiding in a closet trying to stay away from 6.0.6. Said scary bear was laying in 5.0.5's room sleeping. Dr. Slug was nagging at Dr.Flug about how he was doing his project wrong. Clemencia was walking around the mansion trying to find 5.0.5. After making the list you walked to Black Hat's office, in which White Hat followed trying to make small talk. One White Hat and yourself arrived to the two big doors, you knocked. "Who is it?" Black Hat yelled from the other side. "(Y/N), sir" You said. "White Hat as well!" White Hat added. "(Y/N), you may come it" Black Hat once again yelled from the other side. You looked over at White Hat and smiled akwardly. "I'll be back soon.." you said to him before opening the door. You walked into Black Hat's office, and shut the door behind you. You walked half way into the office like you normaly do. Black Hat looked at you. "What do you want?" He asked. "..I wanted to know if I could go to the store to get groceries..we've ran out of food.." you said with slight nerveousness. "..I don't see why not" he said with the slight green on his face that made you confused and slightly worried. "Ok. Thank you, sir" you said taking your mind off of it. You turned around and walked towards the door. You turned the nob and walked out. You once again shut the door behind you.

White Hat had gone to the grocery store with you. While you were there you got what was on the list plus at least five add ons courtesy of White hat wanting snack foods. After the two of you got back and put away the food you got, you desided to check on Flug and see how he was doing, as well as giving him something you found and though he would like.

Walking to the lab you heard yelling. Already reconizing the individual yelling, you went into the lab. Black Hat had Flug by the collar, his feet lifted of the ground.


[Imma cut this one short and do a second part to it, because it's takings so long. I'm very sorry that its been so long since I puplished a part! I'll try my hardest to get the rest of this day done and then farther more days. I hope you enjoyed this part so far! And as always I hope you have a good rest of your night/day!]

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