Paper work and feelings!?!?

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Black Hat's P.O.V

I had fallen asleep half way through my paper work. I woke up recalling my dream. My dream was out of the ordenary. (Y/n) had been captured by some Hero and I was despretly trying to get them back, but fail miserably. I....felt something. I've never felt such emotion and towards a human. I brushed it off. I looked down to my papers. They were scattered all over my desk. 'I must of done that in my sleep' I thought to myself. I placed my hands on my face and rubbed my good eye. I stood up then headed to the kitchen.
When I arrived I saw (y/n) making breakfast and Brewing coffee. I took a moment to close my eyes and take in the delightful sent of black coffee. My stomache began to hurt signaling that I was hungery. I opend my eyes to see (Y/N) had left the room with all of the food. I walked to the dinning room and saw them placing the food neatly on the table for everyone. They then looked around for a moment. The reasoning for this I do not know. I walk into the room and over to them. They had a confused expression on there face. When they saw me there face lit up with a smile. A feeling arose I could feel my face heat up and my heart beat faster. This made me start to panic. I don't understand this feeling. I see there mouth moving and it snaps me out of my thoughts. "-Black Hat? Sir? Are you ok?" I heard them say with a tone of consern. "Yes I'm perfectly fine....I'm just hungry" I reply after a few seconds. I look over at the table and find my way to my seat. "Would you like me to get the others individualy, sir?" They ask. I could tell they didn't know how they were to get everyone here. "That wont be necessary" I said looking over to them. They gave a confused look but that expression changed when I yelled, "EVERYONE DINNING ROOM. NOW." They jumped in surprise. There eyes were wide but soonly went half lit as their poster relaxed. I gave a toothy grin. They giggled and gave a small smile. The feeling returned. 'Oh how I wish it would leave me alone. What ever these humans called this feeling it needs to die' I internaly yelled. I grit my teeth as I mentaly despise this feeling. I didn't realize (Y/N) looking at me with a confused face. Their's and my attention was drawn to the three individuals fumbling through the dinning room door. "W-w-we're here, s-sir!" Flug stutterd while being chrushed under 5.0.5 and Dementia's weight. "FOOD!!!" Dementia yelled as she jumped off 5.0.5 and bolted to her chair. She almost instently started stuffing her face. 'What a slob' I thought as I rolled my eyes. I returned my attention to 5.0.5, Flug, and now (Y/N). They were helping 5.0.5 off of Flug. Flug stood up and thanked them. I glared at him, somthing in which he notice and instently went to his seat. 5.0.5 had sat beside Dementia. I look at (Y/N). They sat down at the across from me. I looked down at my plate then started eating. Demintia had already finished her plate and was beconing for more. (Y/N) hadn't even tuched her plate yet. They got up out of their seat and gave their plate to Dementia. They sat back down and look at the table, seemingly being lost in thought. I looked at Dementia and she had alreadly scarfed down the second plate. She let out a loud burp then giggled. "Ha ha excuse me~" I glared at her as she got up and ran out of the room to some other part of the mansion. I roll my eyes once more. 5.0.5 and Flug had both finished and thanked (Y/N). They walked out of the room leaving (Y/N) and I by ourselves. (Y/N) stood up and started collecting the plates they stopped as they reached me. I had been to much in thought to realize I hadn't eaten anymore then two bites. They asked for my plate. "I'd like to eat by myself" I said looking at them. "Oh ok. I'll just come back and get your plate in about 15 minutes." They said heading for the door. I stayed silent and continued eating.
*Time skip cuz laziness*
It was 7 o' clock at night. We had already ate dinner and headed our separate ways. (Y/N) had cleaned the kitchen and dinning room before heading to there room for the night. I continued to my office after yelling at Flug to finish his project. When I arrived to my office I sat in my chair and continued my paper work. By 11:30 I had gotten three fourths of it done. I was exhausted. After today I just wanted to sleep. I layed my head down and started drifting off to sleep.

[Well that took forever, sorry about that. Hopfuly ya'll enjoyed this part. Thanks for reading this book and have a glorious day/night!]

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