Lunch Date

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Your (P.O.V.)

You decided you would make tacos for dinner. As for lunch you decided to make simple sandwiches for everyone, except Dr. Flug, something else was made for him. As well as some cookies made from scratch. You didn't want to make it too difficult for Black Hat to help. You checked the Time and saw that it was almost lunch time. So you got up and made your way to Black Hats office. You knocked on the door. "Who is it?" You heard from the other side. "(Y/N), Sir" you said earning a 'come in' in which you did. "Are you ready to make lunch with me?" You asked smiling slightly noticing the face of dreadful remembrance on Black Hats face. "I suppose I am" he said closing the laptop and standing up. He made his way over to you. "What do you have in mind?" He asked as the two of you began to make your way to the kitchen. "How does sandwiches and cookies sound?" You asked. "Simple enough" he said which you smiled to. "I can get started on the cookies if you'll cut up the things for the sandwiches for me" you said earning a nod from Black Hat. Once to the kitchen you pulled out the things the two of you would need and then guided Black Hat to where he needed to be. You both then began to work on making lunch after the both of you washed your hands of course.

(Third Person P.O.V.)
Black Hat was quite slow with his work. He trying to be very precise with his cuts like the exact thickness of each piece mattered a great sum. You on the other hand were very quick to measure out, mix and lay out the cookie batter. The oven beeped signaling it was ready to bake the cookies. That being said, you picked up the tray and placed them in the oven making sure not to burn yourself. You then began to clean up your work area. After finishing off the dishes, you came back and whipped of the table. Then you went and washed your hands again before going over to Black Hat. You let at a small laugh seeing him slightly having his tongue out for concentration. He quickly put his tongue back into his mouth and pouted as he dropped the knife down to cut the very precise cut. "it doesn't have to be exact, sir" you then said beginning to grab some of the other stuff to help him out. "yes. Yes it does-" he said not wanting to admit to having been wasting his own time. "Sure, whatever floats your boat, but I would probably get those cut before bed time at least" you said teasing him a little before you turned you look at your own hands as you very skill fully chopped up what you had grabbed. The two of you had decided to go a semi easy route and make bacon or ham, lettuce, tomato and avocado sandwiches. He was cutting the tomatoes while you finished off the avocado and lettuce. After you finished you set the ingredients aside before going and washing your hands once more to go make the bacon. Black Hat let out an aggregated grunt before you herd more quick chopping of the knife on the board. "give up on the precision did you?" You then teased once more as you slightly poked at the bacon with your tongs. He was silent as well as was the knife. "I'll take that as a yes. Could you wash your hands and get out the bread please?" You then asked. With out a word still, he went and did as was asked. Unseen by you, Black Hat had a small blush on his face, perhaps from embarrassment or maybe anger. He pulled out quite a few slices of bread, enough for everyone. "Got the bread, what now?" He asked finally breaking his on going silence. "Toast them please, in the toaster that is" you then said moving the bacon over to a plate that had napkins on it so it would reduce the amount of grease on them. Black Hat took four slices and popped them in the toaster. "I know how to toast bread" he said before putting the bread bag back. You went and got rid of the bacon grease before returning to clean up the area a bit more. You washed your hands again before grabbing out the mayo (mayonnaise, either or idk) and the toasted bread. You then put said spread onto one side of each slice before you began assembling the sandwiches. Black Hat stood back slightly and watched as you did so. "do you like cooking? You seem very experienced" he asked then said. "Oh, it's alright, keeps me fed. However, I did use to work in restaurant before this, so I suppose some of my experience came from there, I did go to culinary school before then as well" you then said beginning to plate the sandwiches. "what made you quite and work here of all places?" He then asked again. "... we'll, no offense, my last boss wasn't really all that great. Had us working over our shifts free of charge. I'm pretty sure they weren't even certified for the job, there were so many health violations and I was the only one there who knew, some how! Some how the only person who knew you need to keep things clean and packed away and in the right spots so you don't have maggots and other pest all over the place. It was so fricken gross in that place. And to add on to the over working us, whenever they would expect someone to come in for inspection they would have use clean the whole kitchen on top of cooking more food stuff-" you had gotten a bit heated in your rant. You still managed to clean up your mess and finish setting up the plates before Black Hat had placed a hand on your head causing you to stop talking and look to him. "....sorry, I kind of just went on a rant there" you then said. The oven then beep, perfect timing. "Anyway cookies are done now!" You then said before removing yourself from under Black Hats hand to go get said cookies. You had grabbed oven mitts so you wouldn't burn yourself. Taking the cookies out you set them down on the counter before closing the oven back up and turning it off. " We'll let those cool for a few minutes, let's get these sandwiches to the dinning room" you then said before grabbing as many plates as you comfortably could before going to said location. Black Hat fallowed behind with the plates that were left.

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