luciferxreader Chapter 1

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I was walking down the street when all of a sudden I was knocked into the ground.  I looked up to see a blonde haired, blue eyed, angel staring back at me. He apologized for knocking me down, then smiled. he seemed familiar. He smiled at me but it was soon gone. His eyes went cold.

"You have no idea who I am, do you?"

I stared at him trying to figure out who he was to me exactly. I finally told him-

"No I have no idea who you are, I'm sorry, should I?"

"No maybe I have the wrong person, I am really sorry for knocking you down."

I started to walk away but stopped and asked for his number. Reluctantly he gave it to me. I'm not usually this forward but why not he was cute and seemed nice. I couldn't shake the fact that I knew him from somewhere. 

I finally let him walk away, I looked at my phone and realized I was going to be late if I didn't start moving. I was five minutes late.

Lucifer's P.O.V

"How did it go?"

I knew Micheal was only here because he wants to help but I just want to give up and let her live whatever short life she can. He must have read my mind because he gave me a look.

"I found her again, but she doesn't remember me. Why can't she ever remember. All the love, all the memories, maybe I should just leave it."

"No your not going to leave it. Your going to break the curse I can feel it, so far there have been no demon or angel attacks yet. You have a chance, and your going to take it.'

"Thanks Micheal."

'Don't thank me yet."

Alex P.O.V

My boss made me stay five minutes after everyone left so I could earn my pay. I swear he was so anal sometimes. I was on my way home, maybe a glass of wine would fix it. I got to my apartment, and remembered about the guy from the street. I took out my phone and started texting, but I didn't know what to say. I haven't even given him my name. 

"Hey, it's Alex the girl from this morning."

"Hey, I'm Nick, I am really sorry about this morning."

"Really it's ok, I should have been paying more attention to where I was walking.

"Do you want to go out for coffee tomorrow to make up for this morning, I promise I'll stop apologizing."

"Sure I would love that, how about 7:30?"

"Great, I'll see you at Rachel's?"

"Yes, I'll see you there. I should get ready for work tomorrow, good night."

I walked into the shower and let the hot water run down my back. after I got out I put on a cropped shirt and some shorts on. I had a glass of red wine before I put on a movie. I fell asleep watching Hush.

 I had dreams of Nick we were walking through a meadow before three men with black eyes came running to us. They grabbed me and held a knife up to my throat, I heard him scream for me but the man with the knife sliced my neck, I could feel the life leaving me. 


"Alex, no. I promise I'll never give up. I'll find you again."

My vision started to fade  and I couldn't hear him anymore. I was too far gone to tell him I loved him.

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