Lucifer Chapter 16

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I was only reading for 15 minutes before Lucifer came out to check on me.
"I'm here."
"What are you doing up, you need to rest."
"I can't I'm cursed."
He ran over to me. "What do you mean."
"I ran into Michael in the kitchen after my dream, he felt it to. He thinks I was cursed when we were practicing my magic."
He placed his hand on my forehead-"How did I miss  that?"- he closed his eyes.
"Babe, it's ok, I'm looking for the curse now."
"I'll help."
He sat down next to me and started going through the books.

*Time Skip*

It was the next morning, I fell asleep. I woke up and could smell smoke. I got up without waking up Lucifer, I went to find the smoke. I walked into the kitchen, nothing, then I checked some of the bedrooms, again nothing. Where is that smell coming from? I kept waking through the bunker.
I finally found where the smoke was coming from.
It was coming out of a storage room. I walked in, and looked around. There were two people standing behind a shelf. It looked like Sam and Dean, what are they doing here? I looked around them and there were weird signs drawn on the wall and floor. They are summoning something. They started chanting, then a bright white light flashed through out the room. There were summoning angels, three figures came charging at me. I turned out of the room and ran back to Lucifer, when I got back to table he was gone. Where is he? I had to get out, I ran to the top of the stairs and tried to open the door. A sigil lit up and I was thrown down onto the table. Sam and Dean came out, with angel blades in their hands. Of course. "Sam, Dean you don't want to do this."
"Oh I think we do."
"Because your a pain in our ass, the only thing stopping us from ending Lucifer and the apocalypse."
"He told you, he's not going through with their plans, he promised me."
"He's a liar, the devil for Christ's sake, he could easily turn on us whenever he wants."
"He wouldn't."
"Sam come on, why are you doing this. You are the one who tells us to see the good in people and to hope for the best."
"Deans right he's the devil, he's just going to turn on us."
They came closer, and raised their blades. I friend to move my legs but they were glued to the floor. I closed my eyes and tried to use my powers but they weren't working.
"Please, let me go, I'll leave and never come back."
Dean smirked and grabbed me, while Sam stabbed my stomach, then dean stabbed me from behind. They took turns, while I screamed and cried out for Lucifer.
I woke up screaming.
"Alex, was it another nightmare?"
"Yeah." I tired to even my breathing, it was almost impossible. 
Lucifer held me tight, "I won't let anything happen to you."
I wanted to believe him but the nightmare was still fresh in my mind.

*Time Skip*

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone, I still haven't slept since the last dream but I was making my way through the day. The guys were all trying to find a away to break the curse. 
"I wonder when it happened, exactly because no one noticed." Sam looked at Micheal who in turn looked at Lucifer.
"Sometime when they were practicing Alex's gift."
"So maybe if we go back to the alley we'll find a clue."
"Yeah let's go do that and leave the angels to find what it is. I'll get the keys." Dean jumped up and left.

"Is there anyway to go back in my memories of last night and try to see who did it."
Lucifer looked at me like I was mad. I shifted in my seat.
"Do you know how dangerous that is, We can't go back on just a single memory we have to go through all of them before we get to the right one and we could get trapped in a traumatizing memory for the rest of our lives if we stay too long. You aren't going to do it."
I felt angry. "It's my decision to let people go roaming around in my head, and we need to find out how this happened before its too late. I am Demon, angel, and human, I'm sure I can handle it."
"You cant you could get hurt, or may never come back."
"I'm doing It, I'll take my chances."
"You can't."
"You can't stop me. Micheal help me find a spell."
He looked at me with hesitation.
"Alex. Come on."
"Your either helping or your not."

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