Chapter 1- Runner

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I always thought it was normal to be like I was. I thought I was just like everyone else, but I was so wrong. I wasn't normal, I was a beast. A yellow eyed beast with ginger fur and sharp teeth, with matching sharp claws. I thought it was normal, and I thought everyone had their own beast form. Little did I know, it was abnormal, and something I should hide. No, I'm not the only only one like this, but I'm the only one I know of who's like this. No one could find out I was a hybrid, not even my closest friends.

I shuffled to school early in the morning. It was a Monday morning, and I just got home from visiting my aunt and little brother, Dominic.

I went to a boarding school, since my aunt barely had enough money to support my little brother, so I figured I would just be a burden in the house. It's much easier on my aunt and brother now that I go to a boarding school.

Yes, I had a few friends, but other than that, I didn't really associate myself with anyone else, unless I really had to.

I entered the school and headed straight to my shared dorm. Classes wouldn't start for two more hours, but I wanted to get back to my room bright and early.

My roommate and best friend, Serenity, was still asleep on her bed, so I tried to be as quiet as possible. Luckily, I had made it to my bed without waking her up.

I flopped into my fluffy bed and closed my eyes, relaxing that I was now at home. I glanced out our window to see the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon. It wasn't even 6am yet. I then glanced at Serenity, just to make sure she was asleep. Of course, she was still out cold. I swear she wouldn't wake up if a tornado ripped through our room.

I tiptoed out of our shared room and down to the front door to the school. No one was watching, so I opened the door and left.

I calmly walked around, inhaling the scent of morning dew seeping off of the blades of grass. I smiled as the fresh morning breeze entangled itself through my hair and clothes.

I had finally reached my destination; the woods by our school. Once I was in the woods, I looked around to make sure no one was watching. When I noticed the coast was clear, I did it. I hadn't gone into my beast form in so long, and it felt so free and relaxing.

I shook my fur a bit and began to run, enjoying the feeling of the soft and moist soil kneading and massaging its way into the cracks of my toes and paws.

I ran faster, the trees zooming in and out of my sight as I approached my favourite spot. It was a little overhang just in a clearing of all the trees. It hung over a huge pond with a waterfall.

I sat down on the grass and stared at the scene in front of me, my tail wagging and getting dust embedded through my fur.

Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot echoed through the woods, breaking my train of thought.

I jumped and turned around, a deep growl bursting it's way from my throat. I knew the sound too well. Hunters.

My enemy. They weren't typical hunters, oh no. They didn't hunt normal animals, only hybrids. There's one that's been on my ass for months now. He hasn't seen my face, but he saw me transform once. Now, whenever he sees my wolf form, he comes charging.

I knew it was already a lost battle, so I took the long way back to the school. By now, the sun was halfway past the horizon. I transformed at the edge of the forest, and ran the rest of the way as a human.

When I made it back to the dorm, Serenity was already awake and getting ready.

“Morning.” I greeted her, running a brush through my hair.

“Hey. Where were you last night? And this morning?” Serenity asked, her midnight black hair swaying as she crossed her arms, slightly glaring at me.

“I just went to visit my family and slept there. I was a little late getting up, is all.” I replied with a fake smile.

“Okay. What class do we have first?” Serenity asked, not seeming completely convinced with my answer.

“I think P.E.” I replied. She sighed and grumbled.

“I hate gym. It's so pointless.” She complained, grabbing her binders and gym bag.

“Whatever. Let's go.” I replied, grabbing my things and leaving to the gym with Serenity.


“Alright class, listen up!” Our gym teacher called. Immediately, the whole class was listening intently.

“Today we’re going to do laps around the school for track practice. You will do 5 laps around the school, which is approximately 1500 meters. Understood?” The whole class groaned at this, including me. The reason I didn't like running now, was because I had to run like a normal person.

It's not like I was allowed to turn into a wolf and start running. I'd be thrown out of school, and I could do without people knowing I'm a hybrid.

Once we got out, I actually didn't mind it as much as I thought I would. I smiled as I had lapped Serenity for the 2nd time.

“Stop running so fast!” She complained, heaving and huffing behind me.

I laughed as I just sped up, tons of energy left to kill. That's when something amazed me. A student from my class passed me. I glared daggers into the back of his head as he got ahead of me slightly. I knew exactly who he was too.

Dakota fucking Thompson

Beasts Of The Night | Wolf HybridWhere stories live. Discover now