Chapter 3- Connections

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I walked nervously into the cafeteria, trying to avoid the one and only Finn. A few weeks ago, he had told me he had a crush on the popular girl of our school, Willow Gomez, and I may or may not have slipped it out. I didn't mean to, but I told Jasper. Unfortunately, Jasper is a blabber mouth, so I think he told Willow. Plus, I think he has a crush on her too, so he was trying to sabotage Finn.

I had been avoiding Finn ever since I found out Willow knew. He would kill me, and I'd rather hang on to my life. Unfortunately, life had another plan for me.

“Hey, Fucker!” Finn called, and the whole cafeteria went dead silent. I knew who he was talking to right away, so I began to speed walk out of the cafeteria, as if I hadn't heard him.

I thought I was safe as soon as I left the cafeteria, but I spoke a little too soon as I was shoved against a locker, the back of my head hitting the strong metal.

“Hey jackass. Mind explaining to me how Willow knows I like her?” Finn asked, both his hands trapping me against the lockers.

“I-I don't know how she knows, honestly!” I gulped. A sharp pain suddenly sprang into my cheek as Finn punched me, hard.

“Liar!” Finn screamed at me, his hot breath tickling my cheek.

“O-oh. Hi Willow.” I pretended to wave with a fake smile. Of course she wasn't actually there, but I needed a way out. Finn snapped his head backwards, and I took this as my opportunity to run.

I ducked under his arms and ran out of the building and to the safest place I could think of; the woods. He would for sure lose me there!

I felt like I was running for hours through those woods. I finally stopped, my hands on my knees as I stayed bent over, trying to catch my breath.

Suddenly, I was pushed through a bush and to the ground, Finn on top of me and punching me.

I was about to plead for my life when a giant wolf jumped out of the bushes and growled at both of us. I didn't think wolves lived in these woods!

Finn went running, but I stayed put, not knowing how to react. I was scared shitless, but I didn't move, mostly out of fear.

The wolf suddenly tugged on my hood, dragging me off. I let it happen, since I was too scared to do anything else.

It dragged me to a beautiful overhang that looked over a waterfall. It was really quite gorgeous.

Suddenly, the wolf ran off.

“Wait! Don't leave me here!” I cried, completely and utterly lost. I sighed when I felt someone tap my back. I gasped, seeing Quinn there.

“You're welcome.” She said, sitting down next to me. I was so confused. What did she do to benefit me? Wasn't I here first? Why should I thank her? I brushed it off and just stared at the beauty of the running water.

“We should head back. It's getting dark.” Quinn suddenly said. I nodded and followed her back, since I had no idea where I was going.

We finally reached the school, assuming most people had already fallen asleep.

“Oh, and by the way,” Quinn suddenly said. I turned to face her.

“Be kind to the forest animals who help you out. You never know their true identity.” She winked before running off.

“Wait!” I had so many questions, but she was already gone.

I wandered back to my dorm to see my roommate, Jasper, dead asleep. I sighed and flopped onto my bed, thinking about all the events of today.

I soon decided to just close my eyes and call it a day, although I had so many questions for Quinn. What did she mean? Why was she in the forest? Why did she say your welcome? How would I know a forest animal’s identity? Was she… That wolf??? They did look so alike..

Nah. Hybrids and werewolves don't exist. They're just fairy tales made up to entertain children.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, peacefully.

That night, I dreamt of a beautiful red-locked girl who could shape shift into a wolf. A ginger wolf, just like the one I met in the woods. I couldn't remember her face when I woke up, but her leading me around a magical forest was still vivid in my mind.

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