Chapter 7- Helpers

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I ran fast, not giving up my pace as a hunter ran behind me. Luckily, I outran him. I panted in the bushes, when I suddenly heard someone scream “BULLSHIT”.

I peeked around the bushes to see Seth on the ground while a hunter had a gun to his head. Something in me suddenly boiled as I watched the scene unfold. My eyes showed hints of red as I ran forward and bit the hunters shoulder. I jumped off him, scooped up Seth, and ran.

My legs were very sore, but I kept running. I could smell the hunters. They were all around here. For some reason, I felt the need to protect Seth and get him out of here.

I kept running, seeing the back entrance to the forest coming into view. Unfortunately, I was too determined and focused on getting Seth out safely, I failed to notice the bear trap below us.

It snapped shut tightly on my leg, throwing me back, and Seth forward. We both landed in mud, my fur stained and his clothes ruined.

I cried out, feeling the pain in my ankle. I bit and scratched at the trap, but of course it didn't budge. Seth even tried prying it apart, but it wasn't working. Nothing was.

“Seth. Do me a favour.” I whimpered.

“Anything!” I desperately cried, still trying to pull at the trap.

“Run.” I said, turning around and seeing the hunter getting closer and closer.

“I'll do anything but that! I can't just leave you here defenseless!” Seth argued.

“For fucks sakes Seth, listen to me for once in your life!!” I screamed. He immediately froze, staring at me with sad, brown orbs..

“I promise I have it handled. Please just run, or you may get hurt.” I said, the hunter within a few yards of us.

“No! Please don't make me leave you!” He sobbed, wet, salty tears dripping down his cheeks. The sight was almost…. Heart Wrenching.

“Fine, but at least take cover!” I warned as I howled loudly, my plea echoing throughout the whole forest. The hunter finally caught up, pointing his gun at me as Seth hid behind a bush. I was just praying they would hurry up.

Suddenly, Seth jumped out of the bush and held onto me protectively.

“Seth no!” I barked. The hunter just laughed.

“You know what would be cool? Turn into a wolf, hybrid!” The hunter demanded Seth, now shifting the gun towards him.

“I don't know how! I'm not a hybrid!” Seth sobbed, tightly gripping my fur. I whined at this. I felt so bad, and I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

“If you don't do it now, I'll shoot both of you!” The hunter threatened.

“Okay! I'll try!” Seth cried, letting go of me and closing his eyes. He looked like he was really trying, but nothing happened.

“You're a waste of my time, you useless human.” The hunter spat, shoving Seth out of the way. He pointed his shotgun at me.

“No wait please-” Suddenly, three wolves jumped out of the bushes, attacking the hunter and ripping him to shreds.

One of the wolves left and tore off the trap on my leg.

“I guess you're the Alpha for a reason. Thank you so much.” I said to Declan.

“Don't thank me, it was Nova who heard your call. I was too busy discussing the hunters with Omar.” Declan chuckled.

Suddenly, Nova started growling. I looked to see what she was growling at. Seth. She got ready to pounce, but before she could I ran in front of him.

“Move. It's a human. Humans don't belong here.” Nova stated in a dull, deep voice.

“No.” I argued. Omar had wide eyes at what I said. I had just refused orders from my pack Luna.

“What?!” She snapped.

“He's not a hunter, and he's not bad, I promise!” I said.

“How can I believe you?” She asked.

“B-because he saved me! He risked his life for me!” I lied. Why did I do that? Why did I lie for some annoying boy that kept showing up when he shouldn't?

I really did know why, but I didn't want to admit it to myself. I never wanted to, but I knew right from the first time I found him in the woods with Finn. Why did I cover for him?

Because he's my mate

A/N oooh cliff hanger.... Lmao no one's even gonna read this XD. If you are reading though, I hope you're enjoying so far <3

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