Chapter 2- Sore Loser

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(image above is roughly what Quinn looks like)


I stifled a laugh as he was ahead of me by two whole footsteps. This was going to be fun.

I decided to let my speed rip, and actually run at my normal pace, as I was currently lacking, even though I was top of my class.

I halted completely, letting about 6 people lap me. Serenity soon found me and stopped next to me, panting like she just couldn't get enough oxygen.

“Why are you stopping? Finally tired?” She chuckled. I smiled, my eyes closed, and shook my head. My eyes slowly opened, my body now overflowing with energy.

“ONE LAP LEFT!” The gym teacher yelled. I smirked, and let my feet carry me.

It was as if I was flying when I took off. I soon started passing all the people who previously passed me.


One more.

I glared daggers past his curly brown locks and into the back of his head. I didn't even realize how fast I was really going, all that mattered was that I was going to pass him. The finish line was in sight as we were about 50 meters away.

My body was barely keeping up with my legs at this point as I was even beginning to push myself.

I was now next to the curly haired male, pacing with him as he panted, while I was breathing normally. He looked at me, shock evident in his face.

“See you at the finish line, Thompson.” I smirked evilly, venom lacing my words as I sprinted to the very end, getting a good 10 meters on Dakota.

I crossed the line, our teacher blowing his whistle. The fastest kids raced in soon after, and we had to wait a whole 10 minutes for the rest to show up, while the teacher marked our places.

Once everyone finished, he called us all to sit down.

“I have your marks, but I will only be announcing first and second place.” He said, and some people seemed disappointed in this.

I smiled proudly, knowing exactly where I stood, and knowing I beat Dakota fucking Thompson.

“The runner up is….” Everyone froze, curious as to who it was, although I already knew, the smug smirk never leaving my features.

“Dakota Thompson.” I smiled as everyone clapped, most people in shock he didn't place first. I looked over to Dakota, seeing him glaring at me as if he wanted me dead, which only expanded my smirk.

“And first place goes to…” Everyone was wide eyed, anticipating the results.

“Quinn Lucia.” Everyone was shocked, but still clapped for me. The bell suddenly rang, and everyone rushed to get to their next class. Serenity and I had most of the same classes, so we always walked together.

“Wait a moment, Ms. Lucia.” The gym teacher called. I halted and turned to look at him.

“That sprint was really great, record breaking even. You managed to run 1500 meters in 4:39! That was really good, and I highly encourage you to join your class’ relay team.” The gym teacher exclaimed. I flashed him a quick smile and gave him a small nod as Serenity and I headed to our next class.


“I'm just saying, that was fucking awesome!” My friend, Nicole, said.

It has been four days since the whole running ordeal, and she refuses to let it go.

“I guess.” I replied stiffly, munching on the apple I brought to eat. It was lunch, and then we only had an hour of math before it was the weekend.

“You've always been laid back, and you never run or exercise, since when have you been top of the class at running?” Questioned my other friend, Cali.

“I don't know. I guess I just had a lot of energy to kill?” I replied. I didn't really care enough to make up a proper excuse. I just wanted the day to end so I could go to the woods.

“I don't think you could run that fast just by ‘killing energy’ but okay.” Cali laughed. I simply smiled back.

Suddenly, something cold and wet dripped down my back and seeped into my clothes. I jumped in surprise, and was shocked at what I saw.

“Oops. I didn't mean to spill my apple juice down your back, Quinn. My bad!” Dakota said, sarcasm dripping off his words.

I clenched my fists, trying not to get too angry. When I display strong emotions, my eyes change to their natural colour; yellow. This is because of my wolf class. I am a Beta wolf, meaning I’m dominant, but I'll still kneel to an Alpha. I'm an Alpha’s right hand man, and an Omega’s superior.

“Need help cleaning that mess?” Dakota taunted. It was as if he knew I was trying to keep my cool.

“I think I'm capable of managing myself.” I replied through gritted teeth.

“You sure?” He sang. That was it. I felt myself snap.

“Fuck off!” I screamed and ran off, knowing damn well my eyes were bright yellow.

I didn't even care, I ran out of the cafeteria and out of the school, straight to the forest. I needed to let myself go.

I turned and ran through the woods, the wind whipping through my ginger fur. It certainly was a much different feeling than when it gently caressed me.

It was almost painful as the wind stung my face with its sharp needles. I ran straight to my special place, but kept running. I ran straight off the edge, landing in the water and submerging myself in its coolness.

I let out a soft sigh as I swam around a bit before getting out and shaking myself off. By now school had ended, so I was safe to go back.

I began walking back, when I heard a rustle in a bush. I jumped and quickly started growling. I hid behind a tree and a shrub as I watched a boy with raven black hair get pushed onto the ground by a tall, blonde guy.

“L-leave me alone!” The boy cried as the blonde guy punched him in the jaw.

“Fuck you, loser! I trusted you!” The blonde guy replied.

I recognized the people. The black haired boy being Seth, and the blonde haired boy being Finn.

“For the last time, I didn't tell Willow you like her! It must have been Jasper or something!” Seth said, covering his face. I got angry for no reason and decided to make an appearance.

I jumped out of the bushes, snapping and growling at Finn. He jumped back and ran away.

I turned to Seth to see him shaking. I tried to signal him to follow me, but he continued to sit in the dirty soil and shake uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes and bit the hood off his hoodie, dragging him with me.

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