Chapter 6- Rescue

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Serenity glared at me as she entered the dorm. I was all cozy in my pj's (which were just boxers and a white t because all my stuff was in Jasper's room and I was too scared to grab it) and I was laying under a blue, plaid blanket on the floor.

By now it was around 10:00 so I understood why she was angry. I would be too if someone of the opposite gender was sleeping on the floor next to me and in their underwear at 10:00pm.

And at that, I decided it was time to go to bed. After all, we did have school tomorrow.


"You're such a disappointment!" She spat, the palm of her hand coming in contact with my cheek.

"I wish I never gave birth to you! You're just a waste of space!" She slurred, an empty bottle of liquor slipping from her grasp and smashing on the ground.

My small body shook nervously as I huddled into a ball on the floor. I just didn't want any more bruises.

"Look what you've done! You're the reason your father left us! You've done nothing but fuck up our whole family you ungrateful little shit!" She yelled, her foot lodging into my stomach. I coughed loudly as she kicked all the oxygen out of my lungs.

"S-stop!" I cried.

"Stop?! You dare to talk back to me?!" She screamed, her spit coming out onto my face as well as her liquored breath tickling me.

She drunkenly stumbled backwards, grabbing a shard of her broken beer bottle and throwing it at me, cutting my arm open.

"You're the reason this is happening! You made me like this!" She coughed, choking on her own words.

"I-I'm sorry! It's all my fault, mommy!" I sobbed as she punched my jaw, knocking me out.

I jumped awake, tears and sweat mixing and dripping down my face. I had the same nightmare again of my 6th birthday.

Suddenly, lightning boomed outside. I screamed, immediately wanting comfort. I embarrassingly looked up to Quinn's bed to see a bundle of sheets and blankets all together.

I shakily stood up and waddled over to her, shaking the blob of blankets.

"Q-Quinn. Please wake up." I stuttered, my words barely audible.

"Quinn?" I muttered, pulling the sheets from the bed to find it empty.

"If you need anything and I'm not here in the night, I'm in the forest, so don't panic." I suddenly remembered Quinn's words.

I slipped my black skinny jeans on and grabbed my brown leather jacket, putting it around myself before carefully leaving the dorm. I needed someone, and it's not like Serenity was going to help me.

I ran to the forest, my clothes completely drenched. I was shaking intensely, not just from traumatization, but from the cold wind as well.

I finally made it to the forest entrance, some of the rain being blocked out by trees, although some drops still seeped through and splashed on me.

I wandered around like a small, lost puppy, trying to find Quinn. I was looking for both ginger hair and ginger fur, not positive if she was human right now or not.

I waddled around, not finished anything. Suddenly, a bush rustled from behind me and I heard a low growl. At first I stopped, praying it was Quinn who found me, but when the wielder of the noise didn't reveal themself, I figured it was better to run than stick around to find out who was really there.

I ran quickly, hoping whatever was back there didn't want to go for a run chasing me today.

I ran faster than I ever have in my life. My lungs felt like they were slowly being filled with water as my breathing became short and ragged. I felt a torch pierce my lungs and a stirring feeling in my stomach as I continued to run, my whole body aching.

And of course, I happened to run and slip on a patch of mud, my whole body flying forwards into a huge mud puddle. If my clothes weren't already ruined, they sure were now.

I looked behind me to see nothing there, which was somewhat relieving. I stood up, dripping with mud from head to toe. I was about to keep walking when I heard a gun cock.

I turned around, my stomach sinking as I saw a tall, gruff looking man with dark clothes approach me, a shotgun in his hands.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" He chuckled, his voice low and raspy.

"I-I'm sorry! I just got lost! I'll go back to my school now!" I shuttered, turning around, but the man firmly grabbed my arm. It honestly hurt a lot, but I tried not to show weakness.

"I don't think so hybrid." He purred.

"I-I'm not a-" "BULLSHIT!" He cut me off, making me shake at his booming voice.

"Only hybrids are brave enough to enter these woods. Hybrids and hunters that is. You're too scrawny to be a hunter, which only leaves one other option." He smirked, throwing me back into the mud. Tears pricked me eyes as his lined the barrel of his gun up right next to the front of my head.

"Now that I look at ya, you seem familiar. You're that kid with the ginger wolf, ain't ya?" He chuckled, pushing the gun further towards my head, nestling it in between my raven, black locks.

"Any last words?" He chucked, his index finger taking home on the trigger.

Suddenly, a familiar ginger wolf jumped from the bushes behind us, biting the hunters shoulder and attaching herself to him with her claws.

"AHHH! GET OFF ME!" He screamed, flailing around until she jumped off, standing in front of me, growling and baring her teeth at him.

He laughed and pointed his gun at us. Quinn tossed me on her back and ran off just as he shot the gun, the bullet hitting the ground.

I could hear him running after us as I clung to Quinn's fur. Luckily, Quinn was much faster than him (she probably still would be as a human) and was able to outrun him. Although, she kept running.

"Why don't you stop? He's gone now." I said.

"No. They're everywhere." Quinn replied. I looked around and that's when I noticed all the people hiding in the bushes. This wouldn't be good.

Suddenly, Quinn was halted and I went flying off her. I heard the ginger wolf whimper and whine as she scratched around. I looked up to see her left paw caught in a bear trap.

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