Attack (Chapter 2)

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~Chapter 2~

     I trudged along the sidewalk, the sun slowly setting across the horizon. I look at my phone, and I'm about 30 minutes away from my uncles house. I look up, seeing that there is a McDonald's up the block so I can get dinner. I walk in, and notice someone familiar. He's pretty tall, with a goatee and black hair. He turns around, and greets me with a grin.

     "How's my little girl doing?!" My uncle booms at me. I smile, looking up at his soft brown eyes. My uncle, Uncle Isaac, always wears a sports cap, with a sports jersey of some kind. He wears jeans, with tennis shoes. He has a limp in his legs, and he says it's just because of a medical condition.

     "Hey Uncle Issac. What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Oh I was just out shopping late and I needed something to eat.. yeah!" He said, not sounding so convinced.
"Okay, anyway, I was wondering if I could stay at your place. Dad's drinking again.." I said.
"Fuck..", He mumbled, adding, "Sorry cupcake. And, of course you can stay! Your always welcome!"

    We ordered our food, and sat down at one of the tables. We ate our food, and cleared the trays. My uncle said he had his car, so we went to go hop in. I silently climbed in, my head full of thoughts. As Isaac started the car, I had one important memory. It was of my dad, back when he was nice. He was such a great man, always having a smile on his face, making money for the two of us. He started drinking again just because he got fired, and my grades in school were going down. After that, he treated me like a wild animal. He kicked and hit me, called me horrible names (that I should not mention), and never helped me with anything. I guess I started to tear up because he asked if I was alright. I lied, saying I was fine, just memories were coming back. He nodded, his eyes back on the road. I wiped my tears, fishing my phone from my pocket, and playing on it until we got to my uncles apartment.

     When we arrived at the apartment, the person at the front desk greeted us in welcome. I followed my uncle to the elevator, checking the time. Isaac clicked the UP button, and the doors slid open. We were on the 8th floor, and the elevator moved up. The door slid open on the 5th floor, a younger woman walking in. She was wearing a battered cheerleading outfit, her hair in a messy ponytail. My uncle slid away from her, as if she was contagious. He held his breath, and she turned her head towards us. A small smirk crept up to her lips, and she took small steps towards us. "WATCH OUT ECLIPSE!" My uncle screamed, as he tossed me a small catapult like thing. He yelled at me to toss it into the air, and as I did, a silver bow and quiver of arrows appeared in midair. I caught them, slipping the quiver on my shoulder. The woman bared her teeth, 2 sharp ones showing. "A vampire?!" I yelled.

     The vampire creature turned towards me, hissing. "Not exactly little demigod. I am a empousa, and me and my sisters will kill all your little friends at your little camp!" She cackled, and moved towards me. "SHOOT HER WITH AN ARROW!" My uncle shrieked. I looked down at the bow and arrows, and slipped an arrow into the string, like I've done this before. I pulled back, aiming at her head. The arrow shot threw the air, hitting the empousa right in the forehead. She cried out, her body dissolving into dust. I looked over at my uncle, his face full of dust. He looked at me, and said one sentence:
"We need to go to Camp Half-Blood."

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