The Son of Demeter (Chapter 6)

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~Chapter 6~

~Camp Half-Blood~

     Sometimes I wonder why I don't belong places, and believe me, I've thought that many times before. Also, I have a huge secret about myself that I am not ready to tell anyone... okay fine, it's that I'm bisexual. I know bisexuals get bullied and harassed often, so I'm scared that if I come out I'll be scarred for the rest of my life.

     It was around 7:00am, so I still had time to go and eat breakfast before my first day as a camper. I headed over to the mess hall, and before I could walk inside a taller boy with messy brown hair, gentle green eyes, a good tan, and an outfit made of a Camp Half-Blood shirt, skinny jeans, and green converse, stopped me. He pulled me over to one side, and told me:
"Hey, I'm Eli, and I just want to say it's pretty cool how your a daughter of Artemis. Just be warned that people inside are talking about you.. I've been telling people to stop." He blushed, and rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous type of way.
"Oh, uh thank you? And thanks for being nice atleast. All I imagined was everyone staring at me like I'm crazy or something. And I know this is a weird question to ask but would you mind hanging out sometime? I know it's sudden and I don't have any friends, and you seem like a cool guy and-" I was cut off by him placing a kiss on my cheek. I stared at him, his cute green eyes.. oh my god Eclipse, get ahold of yourself! Now he kissed your cheek and your freaking out! This is not like you! I told myself.

     I straighten up, and looked away, scared that my face was bright red from embarrassment.
"Oh I'm sorry! That was sudden.. oh my gods I'm so stupid. But, I would like to hang out sometime.. it would be nice." Eli said, a lopsided smile forming on his face.
"Cool. See you around!" I smiled at him, and went to go grab breakfast.


     My day was pretty good, but usually everytime I walked past someone, they would whisper to their friend and point at me. I tried to not let them get to my head, but sometimes they did. My schedule was pretty good. It was:

8:00-9:00am: Breakfast and Cabin inspection
9:00-10:30am: Archery with Chiron (varies each day)
10:30-11:00am: Lunch Preparation (varies each day)
11:00am-noon: Ancient Greek
12:00-12:30pm: Greek Mythology
12:30-1:30pm: Lunch
1:30-3:30pm- Volleyball or Weapon-Making (varies each camper)
3:30-5:00pm: Different chores
5:00-6:00pm: Free time
6:00-7:00pm: Dinner
7:00-9:00: Different Games (capture the flag, volleyball, archery knockout, etc)
9:00-10:00pm: Campfire & Singalong

After I finished cleaning up my cabin, I went over to the archery ranges to practice. Archery was probably my favorite part of my day. I get to use my silver bow and arrow, and I always got a bullseye no matter where I shot it. When I was walking over there, I saw Eli over on the volleyball courts playing 2v2 with his friends. I watched for a bit, and Eli looked over at me and waved, causing him to get smacked in the head with the volleyball. I burst out laughing, Eli's words traveling towards me:
"It's not funny! Stop it!" He yelled, his mouth curling into a embarrassing smile.
I giggled to myself, and starting shooting my arrows. After about 20 minutes, a group of people were walking in my direction. I looked at each person, and noticed that Annabeth was leading the group.

"Hey Eclipse! I was filling in my friends about what has happened at camp, and that your new here! They all wanted to meet you." Annabeth said, smiling.
She introduced me to everyone, and everyone seemed nice. Their names where Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Calypso, Nico, and Percy.
"Oh and who's your parent? I'm guessing Apollo, right?" Jason asked me.
"Oh uh.. well it's not.. it's um Artemis." I said, shaking a bit.
Everyone's eyes widened besides Annabeth's.
"Um did I misunderstand you or something? Did you say Artemis?!" Calypso said.
"I did, actually.. it's cool I guess but people think I'm a creep or something." I said, laughing nervously.

"I think that's cool! Artemis is breaking rules to have a sweet daughter like you!" Leo said, winking.
"Leo! What have I told you?!" Calypso said, putting her hands on her hips.
"Sorry babe. Just a habit of mine, right?" Leo said to his girlfriend.
"Oh Leo what are we going to do with you?" Jason said, laughing. Calypso just rolled her eyes.
"Anyway, sorry for intruding your archery practice! Do you mind if we sit and watch over there?" Annabeth said, gripping Percy's hand.
"Sure, I guess." I said, pulling an arrow out of my quiver.


Annabeth and her group of friends sat and watched me, which I will admit was a little weird, but after awhile I forgot about them until Annabeth said it was time for dinner. Finally. I was starving.

I went and sat down at the Artemis table, which has nobody else. I sighed, and looked around at all of the other tables. Atleast they actually had people to talk to. When I got my food, I got up and made my way to the fire to make my offering. As I sat back down, Eli came over to my table to sit with me.

"Oh hey Eli. Shouldn't you be sitting at the Demeter table?" I said, picking at my food.
"Yeah, but I need someone new to talk to. My brothers and sisters are so annoying." He said, rolling his eyes.
"Heh, yeah I would feel that way if I had any siblings, but of course I don't."
"But you have us." Annabeth said behind me.
I turned around, to see Annabeth and the crew. They began sitting down at my table, people from other tables giving us weird looks. But we didn't care.

     During dinner, we laughed our butts off, and Eli seemed to enjoy having more friends and company. He laughed, smiled, and he gave me his signature lopsided smile which I returned the smile. Every time he smiled, it made me feel warm inside. I think I was falling for Eli, a son of Demeter. 

word count: 1,097 :)

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