The Claiming (Chapter 4)

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~Chapter 4~

~Camp Half-Blood~

     Annabeth lead me around camp, showing me the arena, the archery targets, the mess hall, amphitheater, climbing wall, capture the flag area, strawberry fields, volleyball courts, the lake, and the forest which we were not allowed to go in without someone else. As we went made our way to the cabins, she talked about each one.

     "Cabin one is Zeus, the king of the gods. He as two kids, Jason and Thalia. But...  Jason passed away not too long ago." Her eyes started to water, and I'm guessing he was important to her.. maybe her boyfriend?

"Anyway, cabin two is Hera..." She growled at saying her name, "My least favorite goddess. She doesn't have any kids."
"Cabin three is Poseidon, the god of oceans. He has one kid, Percy Jackson." She smiled at his name. And she continued to list all of the cabins:
4: Demeter
5: Ares
6: Athena (Annabeth's mom)
7: Apollo
8: Artemis (no kids)
9: Hephaestus
10: Aphrodite
11: Hermes
13: Hades
14: Iris
16: Nemesis
17: Nike
18: Hebe
19: Tyche
20: Hecate
     I wanted Nike, Iris, or Athena as my mom. But I didn't really care who. At last, we went the archery to look over the weapons. Annabeth said almost everyone chooses their weapon here. I looked around, and my gaze went directly to the bow and arrow. I then realized I already had a weapon.

     "Oh Annabeth I already have a weapon." I said as I showed her my moon necklace.
"Oh cool! What does it turn into?" She asked.
I flipped it in the air, and out of thin air it became a silver bow with a quiver if 15 arrows.
Annabeth's eyes became wide. "T-That looks like Artemis' bow and quiver.. who gave it to you?"
"My Uncle Isaac." I said, confused.
"I-I need to tell-" She was cut off by a teenage boy who happened to walk in.

"Hey Wise Girl." The boy said. He had raven black hair, it all messed up in a cute way. His cute sea-green eyes were full of kindness and determination. He had a nice tan, and was wearing a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt with jeans and Nike tennis shoes. He also had a colorful necklace with clay beads like a children's craft.

"P-Percy?! Oh my gods!" Annabeth said, and she leaped into his arms, crying slightly into his shoulder.
"Shh.." Percy said, smiling, "Oh and who's this?"
"Ah.. yeah. This is Eclipse, and she just got here today." Annabeth said, leaping down from Percy's arms.
Of course, the only thing I said was, "Are you two dating?"
"Yeah, for a few years now." Percy said, giving Annabeth a kiss on the cheek. "Well, I've got to get going. Leo needs some help with his "new project" or something.. hopefully it doesn't explode like last time."
"Have fun, and be careful!" Annabeth called after him.

"He seems like a nice boyfriend. What caused you to be so shocked?"
"Well, he goes to high school and he's been super busy and hasn't been able to hang out.." Annabeth said, sighing.
"Anyway, let's head to your cabin you'll be staying in." Annabeth said, me following her close behind.

Annabeth said I would be staying in the Hermes cabin until I was claimed. The head counselors were Travis and Conner Stroll. They were nice, but Annabeth said to be aware of them because of their prankster personalities. There weren't many other unclaimed campers in there, besides me, a 12 year old girl with red hair, and a bright tan, and a 13 year old boy with black hair combed over and pure grey eyes. Probably a Athena child because of his eyes.


After dinner, we all went to the middle of the cabins and sat around the hearth. We all sang songs and roasted marshmallows, and the fire kept on changing color based on our moods. Finally, it came time for announcements.
"Okay campers! Hopefully you all had a good wonderful day, but some news! We have a new camper, known as Eclipse!" Chiron said.

I stood up, shyly looking around at everyone. I wondered why everyone was looking at me..
"And yes, she may seem older than 13, and she is. Her parent as not claimed her, but hopefully it will be soon." Right as he said that, everyone gasped, even Chiron looked dazed.

"W-what? What's wrong?" I said looking around. I looked down, and right as I looked up, a silver bow and arrow symbol was blazing above my head. A gust of wind swirled around me, changing me into a silver aviator jacket, a camouflage t-shirt, with skinny jeans and combat boots. A moon necklace was around my neck, and a silver headband was in my hair. My bow and arrow were slung over my shoulder, a grey aura around me as my mouth had no time to talk due to my shock.

"I-I guess that tells us our answer. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Daughter of Artemis."

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