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Merly aka Raven's POV


For a single, brief moment I thought that maybe Thanos had failed. He was gone as soon as I bursted out of the ground, so I missed my shot at killing him.

But this brief moment faded away once I heard Sam calling out my name, scared and lost.

Bucky and Thor were right next to me, the three of us still breathing heavily, turned around only to see Sam fading away into ashes in the air. He looked scared and confused. I was too. As he had taken his last steps before us he held up his hands watching as he turned to dust as gave me one last fearful look before he was completely gone.

I couldn't even walk. I was frozen in place feeling that if I moved ever so slightly I'd make things worse.

We heard a sudden wail come from the forest, and out stumbled Okoye with watery eyes, freaked out but trying her best not to break down for our sake. That's when I knew her bestfriend was gone too. T'Challa was gone. The king of Wakanda was gone and it was all my fault.

Okoye became more unstable when she saw Groot whimper for Rocket one last time before he too disappeared. Rocket fell to his knees and solemnly placed his paws on the ground were Groot once stood. I didn't know them, but Groot acted like a young teenager, and I could feel his fear too along with the rest.

Whispers started to rise all around me. The Outriders were retreating while some also turned to dust. The whispers were coming from the confused and startled soldiers trying to help each other out in the field.

It was a terrifying feeling to experience.

Not knowing if you were next.

"Thor?" Steve spoke almost breathlessly. Thor had no answers to give right now. He was just as lost as the rest of us.

Bucky immediately grabbed my hand and held it with his human palm, just waiting to see if one us was going to be an unlucky soul today.

As I turned to look at him over his shoulder I spotted Wanda still cradling Vision's lifeless body. I was just about to walk over to her but she began to disappear just as well. But unlike the others, she didn't seem afraid, in fact she seemed relieved.

 But unlike the others, she didn't seem afraid, in fact she seemed relieved

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Everyone who had valiantly fought besides us was now gone. Jessica, Alex, Gemini, Amethyst, T'Challa, Groot, Wanda and Sam.


All gone.

We waited and waited too see if anyone else was going to be taken away.

And that was it.

Just like that, in a matter of a few seconds Thanos wiped out half of all living creatures. Just as he said he was going to do.

Bucky still held my hand rather tightly, and couldn't seem to make any words. I couldn't either. All I did was quietly gasp or breathe out heavily as I witnessed this blood-less massacre unfold.

I could hear it, just barely, the mayhem that had broken lose in the city. People were screaming and crying. Everyone, from the adults to the children and the animals were all scared.

Steve walked over to Vision's body and just stared at the ground were Wanda was just a few seconds ago. His face said it all. What if Tony had been one of them? Or Stephen? Or Peter?

We didn't know.

Our hopes were being taken away. There was no way of knowing.

Then I realized someone else was missing when Thor began to walk away. Someone who was also fighting alongside us.

Not far from were Steve and Vision were laid another lifeless body. The once dark green cape that dramatically moved with the wind now stood still on the ground. I didn't even try to look at him.

I just couldn't.

"I'm sorry." Bucky sadly whispered.

"It was his choice." Thor told him. He looked back up to us about to say something else but his expressions changed suddenly. He scrunched his eyebrows together and placed his palm up against my head to carefuly examine my face.

His eyes widened and he immediately pulled Bucky away from me.

"What is it?"
"What's happening?"

Steve, Bucky and I asked at the same time. Thor took a step back away from me and cautiously scanned me before pointing to my face and whispering


3rd person POV

He recognized the signs she was displaying. Odin had once told him about the infamous way of destroying a soul, and that was by summoning hellfire. There were only a few beings in existence that could perform such thing one of them used to be his own blood, Hela.

"What is that?" Bucky also pointed out the rising purple lines that looked like veins rising up her neck and around the sides of her face. Just as he thought he and Merly were finally going to make it out of this alive together, something had to take her away once again.

"How did you get your powers?" Thor asked her cautiously.

"The terrigen." Merly answered slowly. "Thor what is going on-"

"Did you make a deal with death?" He asked suddenly. He thought maybe this was why she was going to be consumed by a slowly rising hellfire. "Or was it Hela?"

Merly's jaw felt slack all of the sudden. She recalled her conversation with lady death and remembers clearly stating that there was no deal. Just a favor. "Oh no."

Thor gave her a worried yet dissapointed stare. "What did you do?"

Before Merly got a chance to answer, she collapsed to her knees suddenly and started to feel the burning hellfire inside her body, choking her out of life. She gasped for air as she tried to scratch away at the rising fire inside.

The other Avengers tried to step forward to help but Thor told them it was too dangerous. There was nothing they could but just watch her suffer through it on her own. It was harder for Bucky of them all, he couldn't handle anymore pain and loss. His mind just couldn't take it any longer.

The fire was burning so brightly inside that her veins were glowing a deep purple and blue. Her body convulsed once more before she took her last breath as her soul was snatched away by none other than the infamous Lady Death herself.

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