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*AN: To make up for the pain I've caused you, I've posted some memes about this book on my "Bonus & Facts" book. So go check it out for some depressing laughs...


3rd person POV


"You had one job!" The woman immediately starts scolding Merly, who's still writhing on the ground trying to get some oxygen inside of her until she realizes that the reason she can't breathe is because she no longer has an actual physical body. Now it's just a projection almost like an astral form.

"You just had to kill him-" Death continues scolding her. "-that's all you had to do."

"You don't get to tell me what to do or what I should've done." Merly huffs out frustrated.

Death spins around, eyebrows raised. "Excuse me! But I brought you back from the dead or have you forgotten our deal?"

Merly tilts her head, ready to argue with Death. "No, we had NO deal." She points accusingly at her. "I specifically said NO deal. But you cheated me anyways so this is technically YOUR fault!"

Death places a hand on her chest in an offended manner. "How is this my fault? It was your job to kill him-"

"You lied to me about him!" Merly interrupts her. "You said he was just after you, not the entire fucking universe. Why didn't you tell me he wanted the infinity stones?" Merly crosses her arms and tries to contain her anger.

"That would technically be cheating." Death replies and Merly immediately remembers that Thor once told her that he felt like they were being pawns in a game while they were chasing after the scepter.

"You want me to keep playing your game." Merly says in realization. "You want me to fix this so that you can get your players back because they died too didn't they?"

Death stays silent and Merly scoffs. "You're just as fake as everyone else who wants to play god." She takes a few steps closer to her and stares down her pitch black eyes. "But you won't get to play god with me." She hisses.

"There is no one God. Just powerful beings. There's the Asgardians, the Eternals, the Celestials. All the same." Death rolls her eyes at her. "But you're right. I won't play god with you because you're not my player."

Merly's face falls in confusion. If death wasn't helping her then who was ?

"I tried to figure it out for so long." Death says intrigued. "But it wasn't until you fought Thanos that I realized who was helping you."

"Who was helping me?" Merly asks.

"I didn't know you could do it. But your parents did know exactly what they were doing." She says under her breath thoughtfully. "They hid you from me because they made a deal with him."

"They made a deal with who?" Merly begins to grow wary of all of this. She thought Death knew all the answers which in a way made her feel secure about what was to come, but turns out that she doesn't even have all of the answers.

"Eternity." Death says.

"Who is that?"

"Eternity's one of the many beings that were born along with this universe including myself. Some say that he was the one who created the stones and others say that he just simply has a deeper connection with them." She reveals to the very shocked woman."He only ever shows up during serious universal maintain balance."

"You've never seen him?"

"I've only met him once, and that was when the celestials began to abuse the power of the stones." She says almost finding it difficult to bring such memories to her ancient mind since it had been so long since the judgemental events. She then clicks her fingers as an idea or revelation pops into her mind."But your parents must've made a deal with him because there is only one explanation as to why your have powers from all of your possible DNA traces despite it being impossible-"

Merly looks down at her translucent arms and remembers what it felt like to hold that much powers just at the palm of her hands. "How is it impossible ?"

"Having the Asgardian gene isn't quite rare because anyone could be Asgardian if you mate with one, but the fact that you are also an inhuman and an Eternal that...that's what makes it impossible because an Eternal can only have powers if they are offspring of two Eternals." Death points at Merly like a rare test subject.

"But you weren't born of two Eternals. Your father was an inhuman and your mother was born of an Asgardian and somehow she wound up with the mutant gene. Which is completely absurd to me by the way."

The complicated facts seem to twist both of their brains just by trying to comprehend what is being said. "Which for a while I thought that it could've been just a rare coincidence but then when you went all berserk on Thanos...I realized that Eternity must've activated all of your powers because he knew this threat was coming."

"Eternity's not going to let me die." Merly asks but it comes out more as a statement.

Death nods her head.

"Not until you fix this."

The two stay silent for a few moments, each contemplating and reflecting on everything. Merly feels empty despite being told that she can hold so much power with the proper mindset.

Even now, knowing that some greater ancient beings have been rooting for her...she can't help to feel alone and lost.

There's no guidance for her.

She's just another disposable pawn.

"Where is he?" Merly asks referring to Thanos.

"I don't know." Death sighs. "He's shielded himself from me."

Merly shuts her eyes and runs her palms down her face. "What am I gonna do now?" She groans into her palms.

"It's not too la-" As Death begins to speak she suddenly hears a sharp noise in her ears and clutches her head before it's gone. "Those sons of-" She groans angrily releasing multiple obscenities.

Merly looks at her oddly. Are these cosmic migraines or what? "What was that?"

"Someone just called for a meeting." She says. "Bye." Her eyes begin to glow as she prepares to send Merly back to the torn up earth.

"What?!" Merly exclaims. She still wants answers about this sudden meeting.

"Do what you all do best." Is all Death says.

"The fight's not over yet."

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