Chapter 1 - Time rolls by.....

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Hey people....
Back with first chapter....
Let's see what happens....

*Few weeks later *
*Hospital *

Doctor: Mr. Oberoi, your mother's condition is quite stable. You can take her home by tomorrow.
Shivaay: Thank you so much doctor.

Shivaay left. Doctor took out his phone and called someone.

Doctor: She is better now. Tomorrow we are releasing her.
Os: Thank you so much doctor.
Doctor: It's all because of your prayers Ma'am.
Os: Not mine.... But Her family and son's prayers worked.
Doctor : But it can't be denied that after you visited her she started responding to the treatment.
Os: This information should never come out in front of anyone. Am I clear?
Doctor: Yes ma'am.

He cut the call and sighed thinking about the stubborn woman.

*Pinky's room*
Shivaay entered and saw Pinky sleeping peacefully. His eyes got filled with tears seeing her condition but the next second it turned anver thinking about the person behind her condition.

Shivaay: I had promised to you maa... That Anika will bear the consequences of this and she will. Get ready Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.... Your barbadi count down has started.

*Anika's house *
Ready in her old suit without mangalsutra and sindoor ,Anika stood in front of the mirror and looked at her reflection. Wasn't she looking the same old Anika... Freezy hair, chand bracelet, her Chameli everything was there except that smile..... Which had been snatched from her face by Him.

Anika: How much ever I try I'm unable to forget you Shivaay.... You have cheated me.... Cheated me.... But see naa.... This heart still beats and shouts for you..... Even if I want to I can't hate you.... But this time I won't fall weak..... I will move on in my life.... Alone.... Without any Saathi... Because Anika iss janam me pyaar kar chuki...

Sahil saw his sister breaking bits by bits... Day by day.... And he is unable to comprehend the reason behind it. He knew that his Father figure like jiju had done very big this time that's why they had completely left that place called Mumbai and settled here in Pune. But he can't see his sister like this. He tried asking Chanda didi too but seems like these elders are way too good to hide their problems and pain. He sighed and went out to play with his newly formed friends.

*Oberoi Mansion*
The day Anika left, Pinky met with an accident and this house turned into a mansion once again. One good thing out of all is that Dadi wasn't involved in any of these problems otherwise God only knows what would have happened to her. She was happily enjoying her tour to the pilgrimages. Tej and Shakti were still under police custody.... But it is rightly said that Give time.... Eventhing will be back to normal.... And it proved to be.... With Pinky's arrival tomorrow, Shivaay managed to get Tej and Shakti back home too... How? It was still a mystery. Coincidencely the commesioner had called him to inform that His baade papa and Papa had been released. On enquiry he said that it's confidential. But Shivaay back to being the stone hearted person again.... The SSO didn't sit back and started working on finding the person behind this surprising freedom.

With Anika's absence from the house, Gauri and Bhavya had to take up everything on their shoulders afterall they had to maintain and keep the Family and House happy the way their Bhaujayi or Bhabi used to do. They were just following her footsteps and keeping the House alive so that when she returns she shouldn't get disappointed seeing the worst condition of the house.

OmRu though seemed to be calm but was breaking every minute feeling the absence of their Bhabi. They had full believe that their bhabi can never do something like this. She will die but never let any harm enter the Family. They tried their level best to make Shivaay realize his grave misunderstanding.... But seems like seeds have bern plated quite deeply. Though they can't make Shivaay understand but they will not sit back and let him hurt their bhabi.

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