Chapter 3- Checkmate.... But....

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Hey people.....
Back with last chapter of the story.....
Hop in to see what holds the last chapter....

*Anika's house *
Anika was coming her hair absentmindedly lost in her thoughts. Some came and back hugged bringing her out of her thoughts. (I guess you all have understood.... After all it isn't some rocket science 😂😂)

Shivaay : What is my Khidkitod wife thinking so much?
Anika(looking at him through the mirror) : Shivaay what if things don't go according to our plan? What if Bua does something more dangerous this time?
Shivaay : You aren't the Anika I know. My Anika is the strongest woman I have ever met.
Anika: That Anika is long gone. That time she was alone with a small brother. She had that much strength to everything that time. But now she has a family, a very big and happy family. And that family has become her biggest weakness. A slight scratch on them and she shakens from inside. This is what the family has done to me Shivaay.
Shivaay(turning her towards him) : Don't think so much. I have planned everything perfectly. Nothing... Nothing can harm our family now.... And like I had said, your Father will be proved innocent as well.... That's my promise to you....
Anika(hugs him) : Shivaay.... It must have been difficult for you to choose me over the Family right?
Shivaay(hugs her) : I had always kept Family before you. When I heard about your Father I was very happy that I finally got your real identity. But article regarding your father put me in diellama whether I should tell you about him or not. I always had this faith that who has a daughter like you that father csn never do something like this. Never. So for the first time I choose you over the family because you deserved that. But...
Anika: I can understand Shivaay.... (breaks the hug) Let's go and kick that Dayan Roop Bua out of our lives forever.
Shivaay: Let's go.

He took her hand in his and interwinded. With that strength in them, they walked out of the room hand in hand.

*Oberoi mansion *
Everyone was doing their work. Gauri in puja room with her Shankarji and other gods. Bhavya instructing the workers and alloting them works. Shakti and Tej discussing some matters of business. Janvi was with Pinky helping her with the things. Pooja was no where to be seen and others were least bothered about it. Roop was still hidden.

Pinky(coming out of the room): Oh my Maata what is the condition of the house? My bahu went out for sometime and this happened to the house.
Bhavya: Choti maa don't worry. Everything will be back to normal.
Pinky : No... You all can't do all these perfectly. My Anika was best in all these. She manages everythings. When will she come back?
Shakti(trying to divert her) : Pinky let's have breakfast.  I am very hungry.
Pinky: Yaa let's go. I even have to make some sweet dish today.
Janvi(confused): Sweet dish why?
Pinky : Don't know. Just felt like something good is going to happen today.  I will make gajar ka halwa.
Rudra(whispers): O... This is bhabi's favourite.
Om(whispers): Don't know.... But even I am also feeling something good is going to happen.

*Pooja's side*
Pooja had sneaked out of the house early in the morning to go back to that outhouse to see her husband and child. She reached there to find it fully surrounded by goons. She got scared a bit and backed off.

Pooja: What are you doing Pooja? How can you back off like that. Your husband and baby is in danger and you are being a coward and running away. Just go ahead and face it.

She was about to go forward when a hand covered her mouth and dragged her back. She tried to free herself but failed. The person put her inside a car and speed out of the place. She still tried to free herself but failed again. Tears started flowing from her eyes which was wiped out by some soft hands. She tried to look back and the car came to a halt. She was again being pulled and finally left inside a house. She turned around to see the most unexpected people.

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