Chapter 2- Maajra kya hai Boss....

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Hey people......
Back with second chapter....
Did you get any slight idea regarding the upcoming plot?
If not... No problem.... I am there to help you all out.....

*Warning ⚠ : Shivika chapter... Only*

*Anika's house *

Shivaay stood at her doorsteps with all so famous cold eyes and emotionless face. Sahil greeted him.

Sahil: SSO....
Shivaay(soften a bit) : Hey Sahil... How are you champ?
Sahil: I'm fine SSO. Please come in.
Shivaay(looks back at Anika) : Seems like someone isn't interested in inviting me in.

Anika understood it's for her and moved aside. He walked in as if he owns the place. Seeing three more ladies in the house didn't make any difference to him. He made his way to the couch and sat down.

Sahil: SSO... You here?
Shivaay: Why? Can't I come to meet you?
Sahil: Yes... But I thought... (looking at Anika)
Shivaay: Some people aren't meant to be remembered.
Chanda(sensing the situation) : Sahil, you go inside and complete your homework.
Sahil: Okay Chanda didi.

He went inside. Chanda went inside the kitchen to bring water for Shivaay while Anika was still looking away from him. Swetlana and Tia sat down on the adjacent couches.

Tia: How are Shivaay?
Shivaay: Fine... How are you? How's Robin and baby?
Tia: Both are fine. How is Pinky Aunty?
Shivaay: Better... Much better...
Swetlana: Shivaay....
Shivaay: Please Swetlana... I am still not over that yet.... Please....
Tia (lightning the atmosphere) : Aare Anika why are standing there. Come and sit beside Shivaay naa..
Anika: I'm fine here Tia. Ask him why is here?
Shivaay: Tia tell her that she has to go back with me back to Oberoi mansion.
Anika: Tia tell him that I will not go anywhere with him.
Shivaay: Tia....
Tia(shouts): Shut up.... Both of you.... just shut up.... Jezz..... You both should sit and talk out all your misunderstandings......
Shivika : Not possible...... (looked at eachother's eyes)
Swetlana (chuckled) : This is the thing which I could never break.... And there is no one out there who can break this... No one..... The silent trust for eachother.....
Chanda(giving water) : Shivaay jiju.... Water....
Anika(roared): He is not your jiju Chanda.
Chanda: Technically he is.....
Anika: Chanda....
Tia: I guess we should leave now.
Anika: Aare why? Have lunch and go.
Swetlana: No problem Anika.... I guess (pointing at Shivaay) He wants something from you.

Tia and Swetlana left not before patting her shoulder. Chanda went inside the room and took Sahil along with her. Now only Shivaay and Anika were alone in the house. What will happen? Let's see.....

*Oberoi mansion *
Pooja wore a burkha and went out of the mansion. She saw that no body saw her going and she sighed in relief.

Pooja: Now I need to find that Roop and get my baby back. (saw her going) there she is....

She started following her secretly.

*Anika's house*

Both of them were still in their position without any movement. Finally, Shivaay looked at her and their eyes locked. It seemed as if their soul came out of their body and hugged eachother tightly.
(s for soul)

Shivaay(s): Anika.... Why did you leave me and go? Why?
Anika(s): I'm sorry Shivaay... I misunderstood everything.... I'm sorry Shivaay.... (crying)
Shivaay(s): Sshh.... (wipes the tears) Don't cry... Sshh.... It's my fault too.... I should have informed you about everything before only.... I am sorry Anika...
Anika(s): (wiping the tears) Don't say sorry Shivaay.... We both were at fault.... Now we will think ten times before doing anything....
Shivaay(s): Yes Anika.... And I am not giving you any promise this time because I know I will break that again.... I will try to inform you about my plans henceforth....
Anika(s)(hugs him) : My Baggar billa.....
Shivaay (s) (kissing her hair) : My Paanika.....

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