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Hey people....
I am back... That to alive.....
Let's not talk much and jump into the chapter....

*5 years later*
*Oberoi mansion *
A man was seen talking over his Bluetooth. Simultaneously we can see a girl too talking.
Man: Where are you?
Girl: I'm here almost.
Man: How much time you will take more?
Girl: If you come to the main door then only you can see me right Billuji.
Man: Oh you are here already. Wait...

He ran from the poolside to the main door of the mansion. He looked around but found no one.

Man: Where are you?
Girl: Turn behind and see Billuji.

He turned around and saw a small girl with two piggy tails wearing a frock and a cute sling bag. She had a phone in her hand with a smile on her face. Her eyes were same as his - blue green. He smiled to the fullest seeing her.

Girl: See I came back Billuji.
Man(Shivaay I guess you all have understood that well) : Aaru...

That cute looking girl was Aaru or rather Aaradhya..... And our Shivaay's little princess.

Shivaay(went towards her and kneeled down) : What took you so long? You know right Papa was waiting for you.
Aaru(putting her small hands around his neck) : You know right papa that Aaru is always fast but....

"Don't listen to her Shivaay.... You don't know how naughty she has become now a days", said a Lady entering the mansion with a small baby boy in her arms.

Shivaay(picking Aaru up in his arms) : And you don't have the right to say anything against my princess. (looking at Aaru) Hai na? (Lady rolled her eyes seeing the usual drama)
Aaru: Haa Papa. You know right how mumma is always late in getting up from sleep. As usual I had to wake her up. And I had to even make Avi ready also. Just say how can a small girl like me do so much?
Lady(Anika as you all understood) : This girl is becoming a drama queen day by day. Shivaay don't listen to her. This madam was busy with Snoopy (her pet dog) and everything got late. (hugging the baby) My Avi is always punctual and doesn't irritate his mother at all.
Shivaay: Princess.. Is mummy saying the truth?
Aaru(showing her toothy grin) : Sorry papa. But you know Snoopy made a new friend and I got so excited that I forgot to see the time and then...
Shivaay: Okay... Okay... I understood my bullet train. Go inside Dadi is waiting for you with your favourite halwa.
Aaru(excited) : Yeah halwa... (wiggles in his arms) Put me down billuji.
Anika(stern voice) : Aaru he is your papa.(Shivaay puts her down)
Aaru: Sorry mumma.... Avi come. Dadi is waiting for us.

The little devil agreed with his sister and wiggled in his mother's arms to put him down. Anika made him stand and Aaru like a doting elder sister held his hand and walked into the house to meet their Dadi, Pinky. Shivika saw them going and smiled.

Shivaay (turning towards Anika) : How is Sahil?
Anika: Much better. Doctor said he will start walking in some days.
Shivaay: I was thinking of shifting him to the house so that we all can take care of him.
Anika: Hmm...
Shivaay(became emotional) : I missed you so much.
Anika: Shivaay you also naa. I just went for a week and you are behaving as if I went for months.
Shivaay(angry) : Don't even think about going away from me. You remember what was my condition that time right then...
Anika: Shivaay it has been 5 years since that incident. Still you are not able to forget it.
Shivaay: How can I forget that fateful day of my life? I can never forget.... Never....(he walked away)
Anika: Shivaay... Wait... Shivaay....

"Let him stay alone for sometime. He still hasn't got over that fact yet"
Anika: But Om he needs to understand and control himself. He can't stay in past forever.
Om: I know bhabi. But that day what was Shivaay's condition we only know. When you fell down into the river he didn't stay back and jumped too without caring about himself. And then......
Anika: I will look at Shivaay....
Rudra(coming towards them) : Bhabi leave bhaiya for sometime. He will become normal.
Anika: I'm feeling guilty now for making him remember the past. I shouldn't have done that.(starts crying)
Om: Don't cry bhabi. He will be fine...
Anika: I will not leave his side now. I am going to him.

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