Discovery in the Worst Way

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-Lucy's POV-

I walked into the guild with a smile on my face, I had just successfully completed a solo quest. I walked up to the bar and ordered a strawberry milkshake from Mira. She happily obliged as we started to chat.

"Guess what I heard?" The white haired she-devil asked.

"What?" I questioned sipping my strawberry milkshake.

"I heard that Gray is thinking about confessing to Juvia."

"Are you sure you didn't just dream that up Mira?" I giggled at the thought of the two.

"I'm dead serious Lucy. But don't let anyone else know that you know."

"Of course Mira. You know you can trust me." I smiled at her sweetly before getting up and heading toward the table with team Natsu sitting at it, plus Juvia.

"Hey guys." I smiled sitting down next to Gray, and strangely enough Juvia didn't seem to care, at all. No hissing, no mumbling "love rival" no nothing. 'Had Gray already confessed?' I thought to myself.

"Heya Lucy" Gray smiled at me.

"Hey Luce." Natsu greeted.

Erza nodded at me as she was shovelling her mouth full with cake, next to Wendy who was watching Erza in shock and worry.

"Its Erza's 23rd slice." Gray told me as I looked at the scarlet haired woman fearful of her stomach size.

I then looked to Juvia who I realised was staring into the distance seemingly horrified.

"Juvia thought it would be a good idea to ask Erza for a slice of cake, it didn't end well for the poor thing " Gray chuckled.

"Ah, makes sense." I giggled. "She should know not to ask Erza for her cake."

"I'm going to get some food. Watching her eat is making me hungry." Natsu said standing up and leaving.

"You're always hungry." I giggled watching him go.

Gray gently punch my arm and smiled at me knowingly.

"Oh shut up Gray." I smiled.

"I didn't say anything." He raised his arms in surrender.

"Well I guess all of us admire someone." I smirked at him then looked at Juvia, well at least where she was 5 minutes ago. "Where's Juvia?" I asked.

Gray looked to here last known location and shrugged. "I have no Clue."

Erza and Wendy were both to preoccupied to even realise she left as well.

"I mean its her life, but she hardly ever leaves your side." I say to Gray.

He nodded. "I am curious where she went though. She could be planning something, and those always cause chaos."

I agreed as we both stood up looking for the water mage.

We asked around the guild for her where abouts. We were running around in circles until Mira pointed outside the guild, only so Gray could find, I quote "the love of his life". I laughed at him when that happened.

We were searching all of Magnolia now. Few people could point us in the right direction, Juvia was well known but she was very sneaky.

The both of us stopped and sighed in front of my place.

"We've looked everywhere." I grumbled.

"You don't think I already know that?" Gray growled back.

"Sorry. We're at my place. We'll grab a quick snack then continue the search." I smiled.

He nodded.

"And knowing Natsu he's probably in my apartment right now and we'll get his noise to sniff her out." I said unlocking and opening the door.

We both walked in, and we walked into the kitchen. After having a quick snack of cheese and crackers. I headed up stairs to my room to see if Natsu was there. As I opened the door I saw the unthinkable able. Natsu, on MY bed, kissing JUVIA.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I shout, getting the two on my bed to stop and stare at me guiltily and Gray to run up behind me and see the scene unfold.

"Oh hey Luce..." Natsu said.

"Don't 'oh hey Luce' me. What are you doing in my bed with Juvia kissing?" I crossed my arms madly.

He gulped. And Juvia looked away in shame when she saw Gray.

"How long has this been going on?" Gray cut in, obviously angry.

"I'm sorry Gray... And Lucy..." Juvia spoke out.

"That doesn't answer our questions." I snapped.

"We come here because my house is a wooden shed and Juvia lives in Fairy Hills were men aren't allowed..." Natsu scratched the back of his head. "And it's been 7 weeks since it started."

I glared at him. 'Seven weeks. In my house. Without permission. And the fact I like him and he's making out with the person Gray likes!'

"Get Out..." I growled.

"But Lu-" Natsu started.

"Did I stutter? Get the Hell out of my house with your girlfriend." I hissed.

He sighed and glared back. "Whatever. C'mon Juvia. This place reeks anyway."

He left with the blue haired girl. And I turned to Gray as soon as I was sure they had left. I launched myself into his arms as tears fell from my eyes. He hugged me gently and stroked my hair, he somehow kept his cool, but I just knew he was hurt too...

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