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-Gray's POV-

I sighed, slumping onto the couch, Lucy sitting next to me, sighing in relief. We had just spent the last two hours cleaning up the cabin and it was way past nightfall.

"That was a lot of work..." She stated.

I nodded in agreement. "Definitely. I think we should get a good nights sleep and start training tomorrow." I yawned stretching out my arms and resting one of my arms on the back of the couch.

Lucy yawned also, blinking her half lidded eyes. She rested her head on my chest, and I realised my shirt was gone. I didn't dare move my body as I felt Lucy's breath slow down, she had fallen asleep on me...

I looked at her sleeping frame, smiling down at her, stroking her blonde hair. "Everything will be alright from now on Lucy..." I mumbled quietly, feeling my eyelids grow heavy with exhaustion.

Soon my world filled with darkness...


I blinked open my eyes, the sun peaking through the window. Lucy and I had changed position on the couch. She was on top of me, her hands and face on my chest. Our legs tangled together as my arms were wrapped protectively around her.

I smiled, 'despite what happened the other day, I've always liked Lucy, but her heart was set on Natsu, so I moved on to Juvia, but I think my feelings for Lucy are coming back...' I thought deeply. I then shook my head lightly. 'I shouldn't think like that, we've both just been burned. Its not right...'

I feel her stir in her sleep, her movements soft and slow. I watch her carefully as I see her open her chocolate brown eyes and look up at me.

"Morning Lu." I said with a deep morning voice.

She smiled at me softly. "Morning..." She whispered.

She sat up and got off me, I instantly missed her warmth. She stretched and rubbed her eyes. She walked to her bag and grabbed it taking it into one of the two rooms.

"I'll take this room. I'm just getting changed." She smiled.

I nodded and watched her as she shut the door. I sighed as soon as she did so, I sat up and groaned rubbing my eyes. After stretching I grabbed my bag and headed into the other room, I walked in and noticed it was the one I shared with Lyon growing up. The bunk bed still pushed against the wall away from the widow. A small chest of draws next to me ask walked into the room. I smiled softly and shut the door behind me to get changed.

I exited the room to see Lucy dresses in a pink warm fuzzy jacket and long pants. I was just dressed in a long sleeved shirt and jeans.

"Shall we start our training?" Lucy beamed.

I nodded and went outside, she followed behind me closely. We walked a safe distance away from the cabin.

"Alright, first thing an Ice mage needs to do is get used to the cold." I explained taking my clothes off, leaving me in my boxers.

Lucy blushed. "I have to take my clothes off too?..." She asked nervously.

I looked at her, her face going bright red as I nodded.

She sighed and slowly removed each layer to her underwear. She instantly stated to shiver as I blushed catching myself look at her body.

I walked over to her and held a stance, my feet spread shoulder width apart and my fist on my palm.

"Copy my stance." I say to her. She nodded and copied me. Her teeth chattering and her lips going blue.

"Alright, so this is the basic ice make magic stance." I say pushing her arms a little higher inspecting her position.

After I gave the OK. She stood back normally. "Do the stance again." I command.

She compiles pulling it off swiftly and perfectly.

"Your a natural at this Lu." I smiled and ruffled her hair.

She smiled back at me. "Can we go back inside now... Its warmer in there..." She pouted.

"We aren't finished your training for the day." I smiled and she sighed.

We spent the whole day training, we had a few breaks. Mainly drink breaks and a lunch break.

We both threw our clothes back on, heading into the cabin. The sun was setting. As soon as we got in, Lucy found all the blankets and wrapped herself in them as I stoked the fire. I headed into the kitchen after I got the fire roaring, I started to make a chicken and corn soup.

I checked up on Lucy, looking at her from the kitchen bench, she watched the fire still wrapped up like a burrito. I smiled to myself. I served up the soup handing her a bowl of the hot liquid.

Mid dinner the door burst open letting all the cold air in.

"WHO ARE YO-" a white haired make burst in. "Oh. Its just you Gray, and the Blondie..."

"What are you doing here Lyon?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well I came up here to train, and I saw the light from the fire." He explained. "What about you two?"

"Well Gray is training me." Lucy piped up at the question.

"Can't you guys train with the people at Fairy Tail?" Lyon asked.

I sighed. "Well we both needed a break from there." I explained.


So Lyon sat down as I explained with the help with Lucy what had happened with Natsu and Juvia.

He was shocked to say the least. "My precious Juvia chose flame brain?" He questioned.

I nodded.

"Well. She is no longer deserving of my love... Sorry Juvia. But this is good bye" he said to the sky with fake tears.

He then looked back at us two with his normal face. "Alright who will be my next Queen?" He smirked thinking of different women.

'You moved on quick...' I thought staring at him blankly.

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