Getting used to Things

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-Lucy's POV-

It had only been a week since Gray and I joined Lamia Scale and we were instantly welcomed and immediately we fit in. It wasn't the same as Fairy Tail, but they were still a great guild. Lyon still hasn't stopped flirting with me. I smiled to myself as I climbed out of my bed. I walked into the kitchen to see Gray cooking some bacon and eggs, stark naked. I sighed and chuckled, this is what I get for deciding to live with Gray...

"Ah, morning Lu. I decided to cook us a good meal before we go find a quest to complete." Gray smiled at me.

"That's nice. But I should warn you, you're butt naked." I responded calmly.

His face dropped and he paused.

"CRAP! Where are my clothes!"

He ran around our apartment looking for his missing apparel items. Eventually he walked back shirtless, but long cargo pants on, I couldn't help but stare. He always looked good, but recently he just looks better...

"Hey, Earthland to Lucy." Gray called handing me a plate of crispy bacon and a sunny side up egg.

I blushed and thanked him. Grabbing the plate and walking to the table to eat. Gray joined me, eating his share. Once we finished our breakfast I washed the dishes. As I did so Gray came up behind me and wrapped his strong arms around me.

"Lucy... How are you?" He asked somberly.

I sighed and looked down. I was expecting tears. Thinking about Fairy Tail. But I didn't feel so sad anymore. Sure I missed them. And what Natsu did was hurtful. But I've finally moved on... To Gray...

"You know what Gray. I'm actually good today. I'm ready to move on and be my normal happy self." I answered turning around in his arms. Looking up at him with a real smile and I hugged him back.

"I'm glad and I agree. I'm moving on and over it." He smiled.

We held eye contact as he inched his head closer to mine. We were less than an inch away from each others lips as the doorbell sounded. Gray sighed and I bit my bottom lip. He released the hug and opened the door to see a grinning Lyon. I folded my arms and leant on the wall as the two stared at each other blankly.

"Nope." Gray said shutting the door on Lyon.

I held in a giggle as Lyon protested and rung the door bell over and over again with no mercy. Gray walked away from the door and I sighed, walking over to it just a Lyon was about to hit the bell again.

"Oh Lulu~, Hi. I picked out a quest, let's go!" He said holding out a piece of paper that explained fighting a few rogue dark wizards. The reward was quite hefty and generous.

"I was actually going to go on a quest with Gray sorry..." I mumbled feeling bad.

Lyon stared at me for a moment as if unsure what to say. "He... Can... Come... Too... I... Guess..." He struggled to say as he instantly regretted it.

"Great! We'll pack and be out in a jiffy." I cheered.

"I'm glad to see your feeling more cheerful Lucy." Lyon commented.

"Yeah. I've decided its finally time to move on. Its ancient History, after all its been over a month." I smiled as I turned to go pack.

About half an hour later Gray and I were packed and ready to go. We locked up the house and headed to the train station following Lyon who was quietly grumbling to himself about letting Gray come along. And Gray was grumbling about Lyon interrupting us in the kitchen this morning.

I internally chuckled. These two were the best things that have happened to me. Even with Lyon's strange flirting. And Gray's strange stripping habit. Nothing could ruin my mood today...


The three of us got off the train at our destination and talked to the contractor. Apparently two other guilds were already here trying to help. Blue Pegasus and Fairy Tail...

I kept smiling as we walked through the bush, trying to find the hideout. Just because Fairy Tail was here doesn't mean I'll get upset. I told myself.

After a short hike we heard a fight in the distance we all ran toward the sound and saw two very familiar people fighting side by side.

"Water Whip!" Juvia yelled sending razor sharp water at a rogue wizard.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu yelled flames engulfing another wizard.

They actually made a good team. I looked at Gray to see if he was ok. But he seemed to be doing the same. We both grinned.

"Lets show them how its done." I smiled and Gray and Lyon nodded.

Natsu and Juvia were out numbered. There were five rogues.

So we all took one each.

"Ice Make Lance!" Gray yelled.

"Ice Make Hawk!" Lyon shouted.

The two attacks hit. And Natsu and Juvia looked at us confused. And at me expectantly. I gave a slight smirk as I got into the stance Gray taught me.

"Ice Make Arrows!" I called firing multiple arrows at the enemy.

I saw Natsu and Juvia look in shock through the corner of my eyes. We continued to fight until it was done. It didn't take long for us to win.

"We would've had that without your help." Natsu said cockily.

"Yeah. Obviously. That's why you were struggling so much with one" I retorted feeling proud.

"Shut up Lucy. When did you learn stripper magic?" He asked, he was trying to hide his curiosity but it didn't work.

"I taught her when we left. But I doubt you remember that since you were to busy making out with Juvia in her house." Gray backed me up.

Natsu let out a low growl. I looked over at Juvia. She was silent and didn't dare to look at either of us.

Something was off...


So guys... I finally did it. An update. I can't guarantee consistent updates. But hopefully this is long enough for y'all. 998 words.

I hope you can all forgive me for not updating in so long. I was just struggling with inspiration for this book. So I sat myself down and forced myself to start writing. Eventually it started to flow.

I hope to update again soon and that you, my readers, enjoy the story :)

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