Chapter 5

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I wake up before the sun does after a restless nights sleep. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that is? At least when I used to do ballet it was after school. But no, the spawn of Satan registered me in a class that does Morning rehearsals and expects you to practice all afternoon, feels like the worlds kicking me in the face going "hey you can't do ballet? Well here's some more ballet for you!". Hey, if my Mother's the spawn of Satan then that makes me Satan granddaughter.

And strangely, I'm fine with that.

I shower, trying to prolong to feeling of warm water cascading down my body for as long as possible, before finally deciding I shower probably get out or risk being late. I tie my freshly washed hair in a ballerina bun before getting dressed in my ballet gear. I tip toe down the stairs as to not wake anyone up being I'm stopped at the bottom by none other than Satan Spawn herself.

"How were cheerleading tryouts?" She asks, raising her eyebrow and therefore letting me know she knows the answer.

You see, cheerleading tryouts were yesterday and I skipped out to go to the practice of a band that I'm not even part of.

"Well, you see-" I start before I'm cut off.

"You didn't go, did you? You thought you would just skip out on the one thing I've asked you to do," she snaps quietly.

I scoff, that's a bit of an understatement. "Mom, you know I shouldn't be doing cheerleading, the doctor said-"I don't have a chance to get a word in before once again, I'm cut off.

"I don't care if the doctor said you shouldn't be cheerleading or doing ballet. I'm not going to let you throw away your future all because of a stupid mistake you made," she spits, like a venomous snake ready to bite its prey.

Then again she's always been a snake, and I've always been her prey.

"Well I'm sorry that I skipped out on something you want so I can do something I want. Something I haven't been able to do since freshman year," I push past her and leave out the front door to go to ballet practice.


It's after practice and once again I struggled. I'm just not cut out to do this anymore and my Mom knows it. So not only ballet has been taken away from me, but music as well. All thanks to her.

"Miss Moore, may I speak to you for a moment?" Mr Till calls as I go to leave, eager to just rush out of there before I have to deal with Laura and Kayla again. Both of which were giggling behind my back the whole class. I make my way over to Mr Till, limping slightly on my right ankle. "Miss Moore when you were registered videos of previous performances were sent in, you have the grace of a swan and near perfect technique, so what's happened?"

"I'm just out of practice, I haven't dance in months, that's all," is my reply, even though I know that's not the case.

"Alright, I'm going to give you an exercise regime to do at home to help you get back in shape but for now, you may leave," he says, not entirely convinced.

As I leave I hear Kayla whispering with Laura. "Maybe he realised that she's a manatee instead of a dancer."

"Please, she would put a beached whale to shame," is Laura's reply.

A lump forms in my throat as I begin the short walk to the Garcia house. Surely I'm not that fat, right? I just can't dance because of ankle, right?

Maybe I'm wrong. My Mother told me to stop stress eating and maybe she's right, maybe she sees what I don't. After all, Mothers are meant to look out for their children, right?

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