Chapter 33

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Alexander offers me a look of shock. "She-how do you know?"

I inwardly cringe. "I saw her with uh- Brad's Dad," I mutter meekly.

"I knew it," he mutters, almost to himself. "Thank you, Maya," he says too calmly and with no room to object, he leads me to his office door, closing it immediately after I exit.

With a deep breath, I head upstairs to Thomas' room. Alexander's reaction worried me, in fact I would've felt better if he yelled, screamed, anything. Instead, he was calm, too calm.

Like just before a storm.

I knock on Thomas' door, entering once I hear the soft "come in".

"Hey, Tom," I say as I sit down on his bed. He's sitting in front of the TV, playing some shooting game on his console. "How's the song coming along?" I ask, referring to the song Luke wrote that the band had apparently been rehearsing.

"It's more complicated than any other song we've played, it should be ready for the gig on Saturday though," I inhale sharply, having forgotten about the bar gig the band had gotten, the one I was no longer part of. "It should be on YouTube a little after that."

I brace myself for the next question. "And how's-"

"He's not much better, May. I don't know why you keep asking, he hurt you, not the other way around," he sighs in exasperation. The worst part was, he was right. As much as I love Luke, I can't trust him, not anymore.

"You can't keep holding a grudge, he's your best friend," I say, ignoring his previous statement.

"He was my best friend," he states.

I sigh, knowing that there's no arguing with him. Let's just say, this boy can hold grudges.

I hear the distinct sound of a door slam downstairs, followed by yelling. "They're fighting again," Thomas sighs sadly. "I really didn't think it would take him this long to figure out she's no good for him."

I have to tell him. "About that..." I trail of. Thomas pauses his game and looks at me expectantly. I take a deep breath, readying myself for a storm of my own. "My Mom's been cheating on you Dad."

A look of hurt washes over his face. "How long?" he whispers.

"A month maybe? I'm not completely sure," I slide off the bed and onto the ground next to him.

"And you didn't tell me?" hurt colors his tone. "Not even after you knew...." He trails off.

Thank when it hit me like a brick to the face. His Mom cheated on his Dad and I didn't tell him. "Oh my gosh, Thomas. I'm so sorry, I should have told you, I-"

"You're right, you should've," his tone suddenly becomes angry. "I don't even know who you've been lately, you're not the Maya I know."

I feel myself getting worked up, is he serious right now? "Can you really blame me? I've lost so much that's important to me, of course I'm gonna change," I defend.

"More than that, you're exactly like the person you were when you came here! Just a popular, stuck up brat! You're even going out with Brad, Fiona warned you about him! What are you doing?"

That was a good question, what was I doing? "My Mother got to me, alright? Just like she always does," I reply bitterly. "Without the band, without Luke, I just wasn't strong enough to fight her."

"You're just going to go down the same road as her, don't you get it?" he yells, mirroring the couple downstairs.

"Alright, I'm weak, is that what you want to hear?" I yell back.

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