Chapter 16

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"What are you doing?" I ask Lucy as she pulls a camera out of her school bag.

"This is a big moment, it needs proper documentation," she says as she flips open the view finder.

"It's just a haircut."

"Just a haircut!" Fiona gasps from the back seat. "This is a rebellion, besides, a haircut can change a person! I used to be just like you, boring and long brown hair and now look at me!" She gestures to her shoulder length pastel blue hair. "Besides, Lucy and I thought it would be a good idea for our audience to get know the band, not just our music, hence this vlog."

"You guys really have this all thought out."

"Of course we do," Lucy cuts in. "I'm now in charge of the YouTube side of things so Fi can book your guys gigs and stuff, we really believe in this cause. Alright let's do this!" She turns on the camera and points it at my face, giving me a thumbs up when recording begins.

"Hello everyone! This is Maya from Dusk to Dawn and welcome to our very first vlog. I'm currently sitting in the car in front of the hairdresser because all this," I hold up my waist length hair "is getting cut off and donated to charity. Let's get to it!"

We then exit the car and enter the hair salon. Excitement and nervousness bubbles in my stomach, like a hundred mini firecrackers. "Hello!" A bubbly blonde girl greets us. "You must be Am..." she trails off, seemingly having trouble pronouncing my name.

"A-may-a," I clarify.

She smiles "Right. Well Amaia, I'm Keira and I'll be your stylist today, please follow me." She leads me to my seat and gestures for me to sit down. Fiona and Lucy trail behind, Lucy still filming and Fiona nearly bursting with excitement.

This is another step along the road of gaining control of my life again, but what if I didn't like it? What if it didn't suit me? Almost on cue, my phone vibrates. I pull it out and see it's a text from Luke.

Hey, good luck with your transformation. I'll see you after ;)

A winky face?

Luke just sent me a winky face! I can't help the grin that spreads across my face.

"Ooh look at that smile, text from lover boy?" Fiona teases.

"Shut up Fi," I say.

"But it's my ship," she whines. Keira wraps a cape around my shoulders.

"Shush, Fi. What would you like today Amaia?" Keira asks, her nimble fingers playing with my hair.

"This," I flash her the photo on my phone, the same one Luke suggested.

"It's sad to see such beautiful hair go but that'll look amazing with your face shape."

Keira proceeds to tie my hair off into ponytails, preparing for it to be donated. I make some comical faces into the camera as the first cut is made.

The haircut goes without a hitch and the end product is something I love. My hair feels lighter and more of its natural wave is able to come through now that it's shorter.

"How much do I owe you?" I ask as I pull out my purse.

"Nothing, this was a favour to my dork sister," Keira gestures to Fiona who's talking to the camera Lucy is holding while trying and failing to explain different hair products in the salon.

"And I think this one makes your fair fluffy, you know, like clouds or pancakes," Fiona holds up a can of mousse as I approach her.

"Alright Fi, get out of here before you burn the place down," Keira calls out.

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