She pout.

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I was preparing to take a buss to school,when she run up to me.

"Hanny! Wait!" She said catching her breath.

"Go away!"

"I've cook you breakfast."

"I already ate."

"Aww,then i'll give this Yuan. He'll eat it."

I grab the bread ,and I bite into it.

"Hey! I thought you don't like it.Wow! It's the first time,you ate the food I gave you. How does it taste?"

To be honest,it was delicious. "You didn't put any black magic in here,didn't you?"

"No,no. It was fresh and organic." She said smiling.


"Are you walking to school?" She asked.

"No,I'm taking the buss."

"Ohh,alright. I'll see you at school then." She started walking.

I wonder why she never take any transportation going to school and coming home from school.

" I guess,i'll walk today." I whispered to myself .

"Really?" She asked her eyes sparkling.

"Just joking."

She pout.

I stared at her,she looks so cute .
I suddenly had the urge to kiss her.

What am I thinking?
That's disgusting.
I turn my back and walked ahead.

"You were not joking weren't you?" She asked.

I didn't answer and I just keep on bitting on the sandwhich.
"Did you finish my thesis paper?"

"Of course,it's all in your desktop."


I notice the icecream shop was opening.

"Want some icecream?"

"You would do that,for me?"

"Tsk." I went ahead the parlor shop.
"What flavor do you want?"

"Umm,I love cookies and cream."

"2 cookies and cream."

And they gave us the icecream inside a tupperware.
When I tasted it,it was so sweet.

"Urg! It's so sweet." I was about to throw it away,when she grab my icecream.

"Hanz,let me have it. "

She hid her icecream in her bag,and started eating mine.
"Why do you want it?"

"I'll treasure it. It's the first time,you ever treated me. " she said smiling.

I smiled at her childishness.
When we arrived at school.
"Here's your laptop."

I grab the laptop.

"Boss!" Yuan called,and she turn around.
"I texted you. Do you have our project proposal ?"

"Oh,shit. I forgot about it. Sorry hanny,I need to go." She grab Yuan,and they run to somewhere.

I shake my head,as I went to my first class.
When I sat on my chair,a girl sat down beside me.

For Rivero's Heart ❤️Where stories live. Discover now