He brought it for you.

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***Marie's  POV***

The principal's punishment was writing 2 thesis papers each with 20 pages.
Hand-written,no erasures,and no gaps.

Since it's a weekend,I decided to do that later.

"Marie! You can go home now,I don't wanna pay you extra." Boss said.

"Alright,then." I went to my locker,and changed into a white shirt and a ripped jeans. Goodthing ripped jeans is popular .
When I went out,Yuan have been texting me.

Bosss,I'm so boooorrrrrrreeeeeeddddd.

Boss,are you out now? Let's go somewhere.

From: Yuan.
Is it possible to die of boredom? Because I feel like dying.

Booossssssss,noottttiiiccceee mmmmeeeeeee.

He's so bored.
I decided to call him.

Me:Hey,stalker. What you up to?
Yuan: I'm sooo bbbbboooooorrrrrreeeeeddddd.
Me: Well,why don't you finish our project proposal.
Yuan: I already finished it.
Me:Answer your homeworks.
Yuan: I've finish them,already.
Me: Play something on your cellphone,or watch YouTube.
Yuan: Done that,anything else?
Me: Don't know,go to an arcade or something.
Yuan: Hey,let's go to an arcade! I'll treat you!
Me: Aiist, you know I have a thesis paper to start working on.
Yuan: Boss,I'm soo bored.
Me: Then go watch TV.
Yuan: Can I visit you home? 
Me: Well,only if you bring foods. And promise not to be a distraction while i'm thinking.
Yuan: I promise! Bye-bye!

He hung up.
I shake my head.

I'm letting a lunatic come into my house. 
I stopped when I suddenly bump into somebody.

"You sure like bumping on me."

I look up,and it was Hanz with Nana.

"Hey guys,where are you going?" I asked.

"To the grocery store,wanna come?" Nana asked.


To: Yuan.
I may be late,you can get the key from the window. Wait for me,inside.

From: Yuan.
Sure boss.

"Hey,why don't we separate ways since I have tons of things to buy. Hmm?" Nana asked.

"No,Nana. I don't have anything to buy,so I can help you. " 

"It's alright dear,I can manage."

"Oh,I insist." I grab the list from her. "Let's go to the wet products first."


After almost buying everything on the list the last things was to pick out foods.
I can't help but to look at those delicious Pringles. 

No! If I buy one,I won't have a breakfast to cook for Hanz tommorow morning.

"Buy anything you want,i'll pay for it." Hanz suddenly said.

"It's alright. I don't eat junkfoods,it's very unhealthy. "

"When your with Yuan-guy you always eat junkfoods." 

"i-its free."

"what's the difference of him paying and me---"

For Rivero's Heart ❤️Where stories live. Discover now